
Showing 26-50 of 299
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus WOS Altmetric
2017-12 Seeking Value Through Deviation? Economic Impacts of IT Overinvestment and Underinvestment article pdf(292)
2017-05 管理會計學術創新:研究與實務之結合 article pdf(330)
2017-05 談以SO計分卡形成創新策略 article pdf(424)
2016-11 管理會計之創新及智財權之布局---經驗分享 article 說明頁(320)
2016-09 上海結建民防建築設計有限公司-目前及未來之策略如何轉型 article pdf(391)
2016-07 臺灣會計單位期刊著作表現之再檢測 article 說明頁(351)
2016-03 A Literature Review of Accounting Academic Research in Taiwan article 說明頁(722)
2016-03 臺灣會計領域研究之回顧與展望 article 說明頁(396)
2016 The effects of culture and contextual information on resource allocation decisions article pdf(405)
2015-10 管理會計技術商品化:以ABC為核心之作業價值管理系統(AVMS)為例 article 說明頁(785)
2015-01 Competitive strategies and company performance of Taiwanese firms article 說明頁(997)
2014-10 Examining Complementary Effects of IT Investment on Firm Profitability: Are Complementarities the Missing Link? article 說明頁(953)
2014-04 以價值管理推升績效 article 說明頁(802)
2014-03 打造一加一大於二的執行力 article 說明頁(654)
2014-02 跳脫中小企業績效魔咒 article 說明頁(606)
2014-01 Performance measures, consensus on strategy implementation, and performance: Evidence from the operational-level of organizations article pdf(1091)
2014 Information Technology Investments and Firm Profitability article pdf(583)
2012-03 平衡計分卡與風險管理之整合 article 說明頁(702)
2012-01 策略性智慧資本評估管理模組介紹及個案解析 article 說明頁(550)
2012 The effect of positive and negative financial and nonfinancial performance measures on analysts` recommendations article pdf(832)
2011-11 以一貫之的管理--整合性策略價值管理系統(ISVMS) article 說明頁(568)
2011-10 報導:政大會計系吳安妮教授申請「整合性策略價值管理系統」商標註冊 article 說明頁(600)
2011.08 Collective and Relational Identities: The Moderating Effects of Number of Coworkers and Power Distance article 說明頁(1379)
2011-06 Corporate Governance and returns on information technology investment: Evidence from an emerging market article pdf(629)
2011.01 When Does Being Creative Lead to Being Rated as Creative? The Moderating Role of Perceived Probability of Successfully Bringing Ideas to a Supervisor`s Attention article pdf(1293)