Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 1-25 of 31
Date Title Type Full Text
2024-04 SIMEXBoost: An R package for analysis of high-dimensional error-prone data based on boosting method article web page(33)
2023-12 Analysis of length-biased and partly interval-censored survival data with mismeasured covariates article web page(101)
2023-10 Estimation of graphical models: An overview of selected topics article web page(132)
2023-09 CHEMIST: an R package for causal inference with high-dimensional error-prone covariates and misclassified treatments article web page(127)
2023-08 A note of feature screening via a rank-based coefficient of correlation article web page(118)
2023-08 A new EWMA control chart for monitoring multinomial proportions article web page(118)
2023-07 Variable selection and estimation for misclassified binary responses and multivariate error-prone predictors article web page(101)
2023-02 A new p-control chart with measurement error correction article web page(130)
2023-02 De-noising boosting methods for variable selection and estimation subject to error-prone variables article web page(128)
2023-02 Sentiment analysis and causal learning of COVID-19 Tweets prior to the rollout of vaccines article web page(151)
2023-02 Adjustment of Measurement Error Effects on Dispersion Control Chart with Distribution-Free Quality Variable article web page(212)
2023-01 Estimation of the average treatment effect with variable selection and measurement error simultaneously addressed for potential confounders article web page(157)
2022-10 BOOME: A Python package for handling misclassified disease and ultrahigh-dimensional error-prone gene expression data article web page(151)
2022-09 Classification and prediction for multi-cancer data with ultrahigh-dimensional gene expressions article web page(162)
2022-07 De-noising analysis of noisy data under mixed graphical models article web page(186)
2022-07 [BOOK REVIEW] Handbook of Meta-Analysis article web page(137)
2022-06 Network-based discriminant analysis for multiclassification article web page(192)
2022-06 Nonparametric discriminant analysis with network structures in predictor article web page(171)
2022-06 Unbiased boosting estimation for censored survival data article web page(147)
2022-04 [Book Review] Introduction to data science: Data analysis and prediction algorithms with R article web page(149)
2022-03 Sufficient dimension reduction for survival data analysis with error-prone variables article web page(229)
2022-01 Monitoring process location and dispersion simultaneously using a control region article web page(231)
2022-01 [Book Review] The ESD Control Program Handbook article web page(221)
2021-12 Supervised learning for binary classification on US adult income article web page(187)
2021-09 Analysis of noisy survival data with graphical proportional hazards measurement error models article web page(193)