2024-11 |
After Development: Visions of Eco-Communities and Youth's Self-Realization in Hong Kong and Taiwan |
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2024-03 |
Contemporary Development of Indigenous Communities in Taiwan: Collective Well-being and Individual Happiness in Public Affairs |
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2023-10 |
‘Freedom’ in Sustainability Movement: From Perspectives of Comparative Ethnography and Multi-sited Fieldwork |
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2023-10 |
臺灣原住民族聚落當代發展:公共事務中之集體福祉與個人幸福 |
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pdf(41) |
2023-06 |
An Ethnography of a Multi-Sited Community: Eco-Village, Transition Town, and Post-Materialism in Hong Kong and Taiwan |
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pdf(193) |
2023-06 |
Hong Kong Agriculturalist and Taiwan Indigenous People’s Views of Post-human relations: Re-visiting Comparison |
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web page(185) |
2022-11 |
創傷與療癒:再思跨族群互動之挑戰與整合 |
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2022-10 |
‘Autonomous Exoticisation’: Affect and Emotion in Public Affairs among Indigenous Communities in Taiwan |
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pdf(148) |
2022-09 |
集體性與個體性之流轉:臺灣原住民研究「情感轉向」可能性探尋 |
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2022-03 |
Situating Vernacular Cosmopolitanism of Hong Kong in a Changing Climate |
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2021-11 |
Situating Vernacular Cosmopolitanism among Young Farmers in Post-handover Hong Kong |
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2021-10 |
「在這裡快樂地生活著」:原住民聚落幸福感與集體中的個人 |
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2021-09 |
人類學家的社會實踐(計畫):管理、執行與審查 |
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2020-09 |
大竹高溪流域部落循環經濟生態系考察與資料庫建置之先導研究 |
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2020-09 |
以「國際發展研究」視野檢視臺灣南島語系社群「永續發展」之建構 |
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2020-09 |
感知「自然」:香港農業青年的人地關係想像 |
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2020-09 |
論壇: 重構世界的工具包:創新、永續、修復,或世界在哪裡? 個人講題:重構世界工具三―從重構自我開始 |
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2020-09 |
「慢與快:以生活節奏為基調走在文化復振的道路上」會議場次評論 |
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2020-08 |
Urban Ecotopia? Young Farmers, Food Localism, and Cosmopolitanism in Postcolonial Hong Kong |
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2019-10 |
Cosmopolitan Food Localism: Why Young Urbanites in Hong Kong Became Farmers? |
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2019-09 |
論壇:在政治困境中過好生活:香港尋找「希望」的經驗 |
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2019-08 |
Postmaterialist Shift? The Art of Sustainable Living’ and Young Farmers in Post-handover Hong Kong |
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2018-09 |
Imagining Transition: Local-food Movement and the Contestation of Localism in Postcolonial Hong Kong |
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2018-08 |
Cosmopolitan Localism: Global Expansion of Local-food Movement in Postcolonial Hong Kong |
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web page(224) |
2018-04 |
Community of Sustainability: Young Farmer and Ecovillage in Hong Kong and Taiwan |
conference |
web page(293) |