Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 1-15 of 15
Date Title Type Full Text
2024-06 Exploring the motivations behind environmental volunteering and the development of environmental citizenship in Taiwan article web page(96)
2023-12 Citizen-right Awareness and Environmental-related Factors on Pro-environmental Behavior: Some Evidence from China article web page(215)
2022-07 E-government and the hurdle of the “digital divide”? Rethinking the responses of the underprivileged in COVID-19 Hong Kong article web page(270)
2022-05 Forging Partnerships and Fostering Wisdom: Dynamics of an Environmental Public Interest Litigation Network in Advocating Sustainable Municipal Solid Waste Management in China article web page(214)
2022-03 Handling in the frontline: A case study of “whistle gathering” in Beijing article web page(216)
2022-02 Strong government responses? Reflections on the management of COVID-19 in Hong Kong and Taiwan article web page(384)
2021-06 A whole-of-nation approach to COVID-19: Taiwan’s National Epidemic Prevention Team article web page(472)
2021-02 Environmental Collaboration within a Country? Tackling Cross-border Electronic Waste Movement between Mainland China and Hong Kong article web page(246)
2020-11 Corporate Social Responsibility in the Development of China`s Rural Education: A Case Study of Two Counties in Anhui Province article pdf(193)
2020-01 Fighting COVID-19 in Hong Kong : the effects of community and social mobilization article pdf(227)
2018-11 Environmental policy change in two transitional societies: a comparative study on anti-incinerator construction in Guangzhou and Taipei article pdf(228)
2018-10 Electronic waste governance under “one country, two systems”: Hong Kong and mainland China article web page(248)
2016-11 The road to environmental participatory governance in Taiwan: collaboration and challenges in incineration and municipal waste management article pdf(287)
2016-04 Environmental protests and NIMBY activism: Local politics and waste management in Beijing and Guangzhou article pdf(303)
2015-05 Advocacy Coalitions and Policy Change in China: A Case Study of Anti-incinerator Protest in Guangzhou article web page(295)
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