2022-12 |
Spatial and Statistical Heterogeneities in Population Science Using Geographically Weighted Quantile Regression |
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2022-04 |
Assessing COVID-19 risk with temporal indices and geographically weighted ordinal logistic regression in US counties |
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2020-10 |
Exploring heterogeneities with geographically weighted quantile regression: An enhancement based on the bootstrap approach |
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2019-05 |
初探長期照顧機構社工員與父母之代間支持 |
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2019-03 |
初探長期照顧機構社工員與父母之代間支持 |
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2018-12 |
Revisiting the role of rainfall variability and its interactive effects with the built environment in urban dengue outbreaks |
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2017-12 |
國際兒童保護體制改革之制度論初探:以「兒童保護」與「家庭支持」典範交流為例,及其對臺灣兒保改革之啟發 |
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2016-12 |
策略聯盟之運作、績效與存續:以中區人才培訓策略聯盟為例 |
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2010-10 |
從華人關係網絡探討人才培訓計畫之推行: 以職訓局中區人才培訓策略聯盟為例 |
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2002-11 |
工商圖書館再造工程:中國生產力中心圖書館轉型實作探析 |
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2000-12 |
功能取向分析法在我國釋憲實務之運用 兼評釋字第四九九號解釋 |
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