2024-12 |
In the Aftermath of the Protests: The Aesthetic Construction of Fear in Hong Kong’s Independent Cinema |
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2024-12 |
Reconsidering “Cinéma Vérité” and “Direct Cinema”: The Modes and Strategies of Documentary Filmmaking in Hong Kong Protest Documentaries Yellowing and Inside the Red Brick Wall |
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2023-03 |
Everyday Resistance, Female Agency, and Identity Politics: Code-switching as Tactic in Still Human |
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2022-09 |
朝向多重寫實性:論林龍吟《蚵豐村》中臺灣新電影寫實主義美學的承繼與轉化 |
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2020-03 |
Re-negotiations of the “China Factor” in Contemporary Hong Kong Genre Cinema |
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