Date Title Type Full Text
2023-12 新北市中等學校資訊科技教師資訊行為之研究 article pdf(132)
2022-12 在臺陸生轉換學科進修研究所資訊行為之初探 article web page(21)
2022-06 歷史學系大學生撰寫課程論文之資訊行為研究 article web page(175)
2022-06 大學生申請出國交換計畫之資訊行為研究 article web page(40)
2021-05 Information-seeking behavior of female doctor shoppers: results from an interview study article web page(34)
2020-12 癌症病患資訊迴避行為之探討 article web page(40)
2020-10 電子書平臺使用滿意度研究—以Ebook Taipei臺北好讀電子書平臺為例 article web page(41)
2020-06 視障者健康資訊行為之探討 article pdf(190)
2019-10 Undergraduate students use of mobile apps to search library catalogs article web page(31)
2019-06 Exploring the use of electronic resources by humanities scholars during the research process article web page(23)
2017-06 Information behaviour and decision-making in patients during their cancer journey article web page(35)
2016-12 臺灣學術性百科全書類工具書之發展 book/chapter
2016-12 臺灣學術性辭典與百科全書類工具書使用者調查 book/chapter
2015-06 Information Behavior of Taiwanese Internal Investigation Police Officers article web page(23)
2015-03 臺灣成年民眾數位閱讀載具與閱讀行為之現況調查 article web page(33)
2014-11 Information needs and information sources of family caregivers of cancer patients article web page(22)
2014-05 Graduate students appreciate Google Scholar, but still find use for libraries article web page(37)
2014-03 臺灣民眾網路素養之調查研究 article web page(35)
2012-11 How graduate students perceive, use, and manage electronic resources article web page(35)
2011-12 傳播學領域研究生研究歷程中之資訊尋求行為 article web page(47)
2010-06 An evaluation of book availability in Taiwan university libraries: a resource sharing perspective article web page(44)
2010-06 The impact of electronic resources on humanities graduate student theses article web page(35)
2008-11 Elementary schoolteachers' use of instructional materials on the web article web page(33)
2007-12 Humanities Graduate Students’ Use Behavior on Full-text Databases for Ancient Chinese Books article web page(37)
2006-12 人文學者使用中文古籍全文資料庫之研究 article web page(33)