
Showing 1-25 of 28
Date Title Type Full Text
2024-08 王朝的目光:大清前期刑案對於瘋人的速寫 conference pdf(29)
2024-06 Chinese Medical Care of the Mentally Ill in an Age of Turmoil, 1900-1930 conference pdf(45)
2023-10 藥到「魅」除:晚明本草知識與辟邪藥物 conference pdf(207)
2023-09 鬱症——理解元明醫學的情緒轉向之重要取徑 conference pdf(227)
2023-08 Food, Drug and Dirt: Material Cultures of the Placenta in Ming China conference web page(141)
2023-07 Nourishing Body and Prolonging Life: Materiality of the Placenta in Ming China conference web page(140)
2022-08 The Origins of Various Illnesses – the yù Disorders in Late Imperial China conference web page(231)
2021-07 Using Female Body Drugs for Healings and Longevity in Late Ming China conference web page(331)
2019-03 Daoist Body and Medical Body: The “Inner Landscape” in the Treasured Mirror of Eastern Medicine (Donguibogam 東醫寶鑑, 1613) conference web page(483)
2017-10 從蔣維喬的靜坐法試探清末民初的修養與自療 conference pdf(367)
2011-09 明代江南地區養生知識的生產與流傳:以養生書的編寫與出版為核心 conference
2011-07 Folk Healing and Handbooks for Health in Late Imperial China – A Study of Massage Texts conference
2010-12 曠男怨女——試論中國近世的鬱症、性別與情志療法 conference
2010-07 躁鬱帝國:明清醫療史中的情志與身體 conference
2010-07 The Study of Medical History in Taiwan, 1990-2010 conference
2009-12 醫療史研究在台灣(1989-2009)──新史學、新社會史與新文化史 conference
2009-09 Writing the body techniques for prolonging life in 16th-17th century China: why and how? conference
2009-08 「畫」說瘋狂:晚清報刊圖像中的瘋人形象與社會處置 conference
2009-07 Engendering emotions: Women`s melancholy in 16th-17th century Chinese medicine conference
2008-07 Anger, depression and the medical perceptions of the Liver conference
2008-07 在得失之間——晚明房中養生與性經濟 conference
2007-09 養生與修身:晚明的養生文化與文人生活 conference
2006-06 Nurturing life and nourishing the body: regimen and hygiene in the daily life of 16th-17th century China conference
2005-08 When doctors met monsters: a survey of scholarly physicians’ attitudes towards “demonic affliction” in 15th-18th century China conference
2005-07 Emotion in motion: emotional disorders and medical therapies in 16th-17th century China conference