
Showing 1-15 of 15
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus WOS Altmetric
2023-03 治病、強身與改造國民性——蔣維喬靜坐法與民初的身體實驗 article 說明頁(99)
2021-10 食物、藥物與穢物——明代胎盤的物質文化史考察 article 說明頁(119)
2017-09 From Human Being to Drug: Discourses on the Human Body and the Making of Human Drugs in the “Man Division” of Bencao Gangmu (1596) article pdf(330)
2016-12 「診斷」徐渭:晚明社會對於狂與病的多元理解 article pdf(711)
2016-09 Food, Witch-craft, and Gu Poisoning: Changing Images of Tiaosheng Magic during the Song, Yuan, and Ming article pdf(479)
2014.03 情志過極,非藥可癒——試論金元明清的「以情勝情」療法 article pdf(1099)
2012.12 Visual representation and oral transmission of yangsheng techniques in Ming china article pdf(1510)
2011-06 Between Passion and Repression: Medical Views of Demon Dreams, Demonic Fetuses, and Female Sexual Madness in Late Imperial China, article 說明頁(1767)
2010-12 在夢寐之間:中國古典醫學對於「夢與鬼交」與女性情欲的構想 article pdf(885)
2010-08 醫療史研究在台灣(1990-2010)──兼論其與「新史學」的關係 article
2008-12 Nourishing life, cultivation and material culture in the late Ming: some thoughts on Zhunsheng bajian遵生八牋 (Eight Discourses on Respecting Life, 1591) article
2008-11 當病人見到鬼:試論明清醫者對於“邪祟”的態度 article pdf(951)
2008-11 當病人見到鬼:試論明清醫者對於「邪祟」的態度 article pdf(2490)
2004-04 Review: Elisabeth Hsu (ed.) Innovation in Chinese Medicine Needham Research Institute Series No. 3 Cambridge University Press 2001 article
2003-08 中國醫學史中的「癲」與「癇」:一種或多種疾病的類型? article
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