
Showing 1-25 of 47
Date Title Type Full Text
2023-07 當代道教之界定 conference web page(133)
2023-04 Liberation during Dying: A Study on the Buddho-Daoist scripture Instruction for Returning to the Void in 14th Century China conference pdf(0)
2022-09 惠能禪法及其形象 conference pdf(157)
2021-12 當代靈修運動: 從新不二論與禪宗談起 conference
2021-12 轉宗的女神:十四世紀至十七世紀斗母摩利支天的道教化歷程 conference web page(164)
2021-11 Image, Ritual and Mantra: A Study on the Esoteric Ritual of Dipper Mother Mārīcī conference web page(159)
2021-10 道教內丹文獻與佛教禪宗修習 conference web page(244)
2021-10 道教藝術的觀念與歷史:從台北保安宮潘麗水壁畫作品談起 conference web page(129)
2021-09 東亞女神斗母摩利支天:十五世紀至十七世紀斗母法的演變 conference web page(281)
2020-12 十四世紀的道教山水藝術:以方從義為中心 conference web page(179)
2019-12 雲林蒼潤:十四世紀江南道教山水敘事與藝術 conference pdf(195)
2018-01 香光尼僧團的菁英特質與影響:以自鼐法師與自拙法師為核心 conference
2017-05 Local Daoist Visual Arts and Rituals: From Three Daoist Exhibitions to A Daoist Visual Art Project conference
2016-11 Daoist Manuscript and Ritual: A Study of the Dipper Ritual in Local Daoism conference
2016-07 近當代道教的形塑與口述史 conference
2016-07 清微法與地方密教傳統 conference
2016-05 真文、玉符與金母:《上清金母求仙上法》與金母形象探討 conference
2016-05 禮斗、告斗與近代抄本中的斗科 conference
2016-04 Daoism and Nationalism conference
2016-04 Paintings, Statues and manuscripts: Daoist Collection of Lee Fongmao conference
2015-12 台灣當代佛教口述歷史(1949–2015) conference
2015-06 台灣新道教の斗科と傳道 conference
2015-06 經典與儀式:唯心聖教之宗教實踐 conference
2015-01 經典、啟示與宗教教育 conference
2014-12 斗醮的歷史與近代斗醮 conference