2020-06 |
華人基督教與安樂死的選項 |
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2019-01 |
現代中國的政教分立、政教分離、與政教規矩 |
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2016-06 |
In the Beginning, There Were Hermeneutical Mistakes of Church-State Relations in Modern China |
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2015-12 |
臺灣同性戀家庭權立法的政治心理學分析 |
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2015-04 |
平衡基督信仰與同性戀權益 |
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2014-06 |
ICJ Opinion on Kosovo Independence and Its Implication for Taiwan`s Self-Determination |
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2013-03 |
State-Religion Relations in Taiwan: From Statism and Separatism to Checks and Balances |
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2011-11 |
Chinese Religious Reform: The Christian Patriotic Education Campaign |
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2010.12 |
台灣宗教與保守主義 |
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web page(1256) |
2010-12 |
臺灣宗教與保守主義 |
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2010-12 |
Book Review: John F. Copper, ed. Taiwan: Nation-State or Province? |
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2009-06 |
兩岸宗教與政治態度之比較 |
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2009-04 |
後現代政治經濟學與新制度論 |
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2008-06 |
台灣轉型正義研究的轉型 |
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2007-11 |
State, Capital, and Financial Governance in East Asia: An ACTA Model |
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2005-03 |
宗教容忍:政治哲學與神學的對話 |
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2004-03 |
宗教與臺灣認同── 一個不確定的關係;評Religion and the Formation of Taiwanese Identities[宗教與臺灣認同的形成] |
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2002-06 |
基督教與美國民主政治的建立:新制度論的重新詮釋 |
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2001-12 |
民主的宗教基礎:新制度論的分析 |
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2001 |
基督教倫理與民主制度發展:從美國經驗看台灣 |
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2000-12 |
新制度論與政治經濟學 |
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2000-11 |
New Financial Politics in Thailand and Malaysia |
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2000 |
New Financial Politics in Taiwan, Thailand, and Malaysia |
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2000 |
Taiwan`s Distored Democracy in Comparative Perspective |
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2000 |
Taiwan`s Distored Democracy in Comparative Perspective |
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