
Showing 1-18 of 18
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus WOS Altmetric
2013-07 Climatic Factors on Taiwanese Agricultural Products: A Panel Data Approach article 說明頁(720)
2006-12 The Influence of College Tuition and Fees on Fertility Rate in Taiwan article pdf(1245)
2005-09 中國大陸地方政府效率與吸引外資之研究 article pdf(1077)
2005-04 Does Defence Spending Matter to Employment in Taiwan article pdf(1254)
2004-12 An Analysis of the Peer Effects in Charitable Giving- The Case of Taiwan article pdf(1628)
2004-12 An Analysis of the Peer Effects in Charitable Giving-The Case of Journal of Family and Economic Issues article pdf(471)
2004-06 外來投資在中國大陸各地區分佈不均度之分析 article pdf(1006)
2003-10 中國大陸製造業的產業發展策略--BCG矩陣的應用 article pdf(1254)
2003-09 The Inequality of Regional Economic Development in China between 1991 and 2001 article pdf(1270)
2003-09 The Inequality of Regional Economic Development in China Between 2001 article pdf(506)
2002-07 中國大陸城鄉居民收入差距之研究 article pdf(1062)
1999-01 兩岸經貿交流與大陸西北經濟開發 article
1998-12 經濟波動:SSA研究途徑的應用 article
1996-01 大陸勞動力市場之建立及民工問題之解決 article
1992-09 馬克思經濟學的理論基礎 article
1989-03 美國經濟學界的「資本累積社會結構論」 article
1988-10 環境保護之政策工具 article
1987-06 Forecasting Methods and the Evaluation of Forecasts article
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