Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 1-25 of 91
Date Title Type Full Text
2017-06 Causality Effect of Returns, Continuous Volatility and Jumps: Evidence from the U.S. and European Index Futures Markets article pdf(551)
2017 Product market competition, R&D investment choice, and real earnings management article pdf(493)
2017 Analyzing Target Redemption Forward Contracts under Levy Process article pdf(474)
2017 Influences of Quantitative Easing Policy on Volatility and Correlation among Asian Financial Markets article pdf(343)
2015-12 Option pricing on foreign exchange in a Markov-modulated, incomplete-market economy article pdf(658)
2015-07 State-dependent jump risks for American gold futures option pricing article pdf(601)
2015-01 Information Transmission of International Stock Market and Domestic Futures Market: Evidence from Taiwan Stock Market article web page(997)web page(1129)
2015 The Information Transmission Effect and Asset Prices: Evidence from the China B-Share Discount article pdf(813)
2015 The volatility structure of oil futures market returns: an empirical investigation article web page(961)
2014-10 Risk Determinants of Gold Betas article web page(845)
2014.09 Investment of Foreign Financial Institutions in China Banking Sector: A Survival Model Analysis article web page(1432)
2014.06 Currency Hedging Strategy and Analysis of Taiwan Export-Oriented Firms article web page(1462)
2014-05 Illiquidity, Systemic Risk, and Macroprudential Regulation: The Case of Taiwan`s Capital Market article pdf(673)
2014.04 Pricing gold options under Markov-modulated jump-diffusion processes article pdf(848)
2014-03 Stylized Empirical Features of Asset Return andAmerican Option pricing under time-changed article pdf(649)
2013-12 兩岸動態利率期限結構--馬可夫狀態轉換跳躍擴散模型之實證研究及其貨幣政策意涵 article web page(795)
2013.09 Option Pricing Using the Martingale Approach with Polynomial Interpolation article pdf(1256)
2013-09 The Valuation of Currency Options with Markov-Modulated Jump Risks article web page(1079)web page(981)
2013.08 Spatial and Temporal Effects of High-Speed Rail on House Prices – A Case of Kaohsiung City article pdf(1316)
2013.07 An Analysis of Strategic Equity Stakes Acquisition of Chinese Bank by Foreign Financial Institutions article pdf(1611)
2013.07 Determinants of firm adoption executive stock options in China article pdf(1247)
2013-07 Determinants of the adoption of executive stock options in china article pdf(715)
2012.08 The Relation between Equity-based Compensation and Managerial Risk-taking: Evidence from China article pdf(1027)
2012.06 Valuation of Convertible Bond Under Levy Process with Default Risk article pdf(1286)
2012.05 Option Pricing Using the Martingale Approach with Polynomial Interpolation article pdf(1401)