
Showing 1-25 of 133
Date Title Type Full Text
2018-08 Too much of Good Thing? It is Not about Product Diversification but Human Capital conference
2018-01 Target Setting in a Multi-Task Environment: An Empirical Investigation conference 說明頁(556)
2018-01 Should Employees Be Given Second Chances? Evidence from a Quasi-Field Experiment conference 說明頁(600)
2017-08 Are Nonfinancial Measures Leading Indicators of Financial Performance?An Analysis of Customer Loyalty conference 說明頁(570)
2017-01 The Relationship between Switching Cost and Customer Profitability conference 說明頁(522)
2016-08 Leniency Biases in Supervisors’ Subjective Performance Evaluation of Subordinates : Examining the Influence of Contextual Factors conference pdf(1463)
2016-08 Political Uncertainty, Overseas Investment and Firm Value: The Case of Taiwan conference
2016-01 The Reinforcement Effect of Bonuses and Penalties conference 說明頁(510)
2014 在不確定與競爭環境中,影響員工酬勞績效敏感度之成因與其後果 conference
2009-01 Contemporaneous and Forward-Looking Measures: Implications for Incentive Structure for Long-Horizon Employees conference
2009-01 Subjective Bonus Payments and Multiple Performance Measures conference
2009-01 The Impact of Industrial Clusters and Social Networks on Firm Performance in China conference
2008-12 The Interaction Effect of Capacity Utilization and Quality on Manufacturing Costs: An Examination of the Continuous Production Environment conference
2008-08 Information Asymmetry, Bargaining Power, and Customer Profitability: An Empirical Investigation on Bank-Client Relationship conference
2008-01 Corporate Governance and Returns on Information Technology Investment: Evidence from an Emerging Market conference 說明頁(911)
2008-01 Information Asymmetry, Bargaining Power, and Customer Profitability: An Empirical Investigation on Bank-Client Relationship conference
2008-01 Comprehensive Performance Measures: Perceived Environmental Uncertainty Antecedent and Consequences for Performance Based Compensation, Employee Effort and Organizational Performance conference
2007-11 Corporate Governance and Returns on Information Technology Investments: Evidence from an Emerging Market conference
2007-08 Shaping up for Performance Impacts of Information Technology: The Role of Corporate Governance conference
2007-08 On Using Journal Ranking to Evaluate Faculty Publication Performance conference
2007-08 Contemporaneous and Forward-Looking Measures: Implications for Incentive Structure for Long-Horizon Employees. conference
2007-01 Towards Understanding the Direct and Indirect Effects of Transformational Leadership on Firm Innovation conference
2007-01 The Determinates of Organizational Innovation and Performance: An Examination of the Taiwanese Electronics Industry conference
2007-01 Relevance of Financial and Non-Financial Measures to Financial Analysts: Experimental Evidence conference
2007-01 How Well Can Publication of an Article in a Top Accounting Journal be used as a Proxy for its Contribution? conference