Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 1-25 of 39
Date Title Type Full Text
2016-10 An Implementation of Distributed Framework of Artificial Neural Network for Big Data Analysis article pdf(271)
2014 A Method for Stock Trading Strategy Combining Technical Analysis and Particle Swarm Optimization article pdf(964)
2010-02 Implementation of E-Learning and Corporate Performance - An Empirical Investigation article pdf(604)
2008.06 以服務導向架構建構投資顧問系統 article web page(879)
2008-01 消費性金融之個人信用因素分析--以小型信用貸款為例 article
2007-09 利用本體工程方法設計會計知識管理模型 article pdf(3340)
2007-09 利用本體工程方法設計會計知識管理模型 article
2007-06 以企業評價為基礎建構股票投資決策支援系統 article
2007-02 以整合異質數位資訊為主之自動化SCORM教材模型 article
2007 Constructing A Lexical Semantic Network Based On A Domain Dictionary article pdf(823)
2006-06 Adopting Hierarchy Production Planning Technique in Semiconductor Industry Supply Chain Planning article
2005-12 供應鏈規劃整合三維立體結構資訊分享模型A Cubic Model for the Information Sharing in the Supply Chain Planning article
2005.06 Supply Chain Planning Integration--Cubic Model, Virtual Marketplace, and Business Patterns article web page(1011)
2005-06 The Learning Object-Based Knowledge Sharing Application Framework--The Multi-view Ontology Approach article web page(1388)
2004-12 Implementation of knowledge management systems and firm performance: An empirical investigation article pdf(382)
2004-10 Credit scoring system for small business loans article pdf(4787)
2004-07 技術價值關鍵指標之研究 article web page(720)
2004-07 技術價值關鍵指標之研究 article pdf(949)
2004-01 Implementation of Knowledge Management System and Firm Performance: An Empirical Investigation article web page(677)
2003-10 以標準化Metadata為核心發展金融機構Ontology之探討 article pdf(1426)
2002-07 技術價值評估指標之研究 article pdf(3795)
2000-08 知識管理方法之應用--以臺北市政府捷運局營建工程知識移轉為例 article
1999-01 建構開放性之企業知識管理系統 article
1998-09 佛教資料電子化論壇 article
1998 制訂漢文電子佛典標準格式的重要性 article web page(917)