Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 1-18 of 18
Date Title Type Full Text
2021-12 以流動性覆蓋比率監控流動性之研究 article web page(152)
2016-09 Halo, Horn, or Dark Horse Biases: Corporate Reputation and the Earnings Announcement Puzzle article pdf(498)
2013-08 市場穩定與競價制度-台灣期貨市場之實證 article pdf(763)
2013.03 Investors` perception of corporate governance: a spillover effect of Taiwan corporate scandals article web page(1190)
2010-03 從風險觀點探討確定提撥與確定給付計畫之制度轉換選擇權 article pdf(645)
2006-03 Common Factors in Liquidity: Evidence from Taiwan`s OTC Stock Market article pdf(1349)
2005-03 亞洲金融風暴前後外資交易行為與台灣股市互動關係之研究 article web page(1072)
2004 The Intraday Stock Return Characteristics Surrounding Price Limit Hits article pdf(1260)
2002-08 台灣期貨對現貨市場的資訊傳遞效果分析 article pdf(2257)
2002 The relative efficiencies of price execution between the Singapore Exchange and the Taiwan Futures Exchange article pdf(1167)
2000-04 臺灣證券交易所認購權證價格與標的股票價格關係之研究 article web page(1308)
2000 台灣證券交易所認購權證價格與標的股票價格關係之研究 article
2000 台灣證券交易所認購權證與標的股票價格關係之研究 article web page(908)
2000 新加坡摩根台指期貨與本國台指期貨合約稅制、保證金、漲跌設計及替代性之比較 article
1999 交易制度對價格執行及資訊解析之影響:以SIMEX及OSE為例 article
1996-06 Trading Mechanisms and Trading Preferences on a 24-hour Futures Markets: A Case Study of the Floor/GLOBEX Switch on MATIF article pdf(1123)
1995-12 Volatility and Liquidity at NYSE Opening Calls: A Closer Look article web page(1344)
1995-03 Price Transmission and Information Asymmetry in Bund Futures Markets: LIFFE vs. DTB article web page(1263)
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