
Showing 1-25 of 30
Date Title Type Full Text
2008-12 The Application of Reverse Mortgages in Aging Society conference
2008-09 Modeling Longevity Risk: An Empirical Study and Applications conference
2008-09 Optimal Asset Allocation Incorporating Longevity Risk in Defined Contribution Pension Plans conference
2008-07 Managing Longevity Risk via Optimal Asset Allocation Strategy under a Defined Contribution Pension Plan conference
2008-01 Living to 100: Survival to Advanced Ages conference
2007-12 利率型保單之投資策略與獲利分析 conference
2007-09 The Application of Reverse Mortgages in Aging Society conference
2007-09 How much is adequate for retirement? It is determined by social status conference
2007-07 Optimal Multi-Period Asset Allocation for Life Insurance Policies conference
2007-07 Extending the Logistic Model for Mortality Forecasting and the Application of Mortality-Linked Securities conference
2007-07 Optimal Investment Strategy for Life Insurance Reserves conference
2006-08 Longevity Risk and Optimal Asset Allocation for a Defined Contribution Pension Plan conference
2006-06 確定提撥制下退休基金之最適提撥率與最適資產配置 conference
2006-06 投資策略、清償能力與分紅保單公平定價之研究 conference
2006-05 台灣人口死亡率模型之探討:Reduction Factor 模型的實證研究 conference
2006-05 高齡人口Gompertz死亡率推估模型之建構與應用 conference
2005 Optimal Contribution Rate and Asset Allocation for Defined Contribution Pension Plan Incorporating Longevity Risk conference
2005 勞退新制下個人帳戶制與年金保險制之所得替代率分析 conference
2005 A Sequential Quadratic Approach to Multi-period Optimization of Asset Allocation conference
2005 不同投資策略在確定提撥制下之衡量及分析 conference
2004 台灣地區重大傷病醫療費用推估 conference pdf(1541)
2004 A Theoretical Approach of the Multi-Period Matching of Assets to Liabilities conference
2003 癌症醫療費用之探討 conference
2003 全民健康保險重大傷病門診醫療費用推估 conference
2003 同調風險測量值在投資型保險風險管理上之應用:以提存保證年金選擇權為例 conference