
Showing 1-25 of 44
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus WOS Altmetric
2019-07 Marketing Channel, Corporate Reputation and Profitability of Life Insurers: Evidence of Bancassurance in Taiwan article pdf(179)
2018-06 An International Comparison of Financial Consumer Protection book/chapter 說明頁(378)
2016-07 Corporate Reputation and Financial Performance of Life Insurers article 說明頁(676)
2015-12 The Risk Management Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on Shareholder Value article 說明頁(679)
2014.07 The Determinants of Corporate Image for Life Insurers in Taiwan article 說明頁(1194)
2011-07 Corporate Governance: Directors` Liability and Board Structure article pdf(1310)
2011-06 Product Liability Insurance and Enterprise Risk Management article pdf(1240)
2011-06 International Comparison of Trust Level on Insurance article
2011-03 Giving Context to Accounting Numbers: The Role of News Coverage article pdf(1072)
2010-08 Directors` & Officers` Insurance, Corporate Governance and Firm Performance article pdf(1284)
2010-08 Directors’ & Officers’ Insurance Corporate Governance and Firm Performance article 說明頁(1028)pdf(912)
2010-03 Financial Text Mining: Supporting Decision Making Using Web 2.0 Content article pdf(1396)
2008.06 董監事暨重要職員責任保險之需求因素分析 article pdf(1030)
2008-04 資訊不對稱對產險業經營健康保險之負面效應及其預防 article pdf(4360)
2008-02 員工分紅配股法令與企業經營之關係--以IC設計業為例 article 說明頁(829)
2006-12 歸責原則與強制汽車責任保險對於交通安全之影響 article pdf(1245)
2006-07 會計準則、資訊不對稱對中國大陸證券市場盈餘宣告之市場反應的影響 article
2006-07 會計準則、資訊不對稱對中國大陸證券市場盈餘宣告之市場反應的影響 article pdf(2318)
2006-06 董監事暨重要職員責任保險之需求因素分析 article 說明頁(1149)
2005.06 責任保險在侵權損害賠償政策上之功能 article 說明頁(778)
2005-06 責任保險在侵權損害賠償制度上之功能 article pdf(1869)
2003-06 我國過失侵權行為與責任保險人身傷害賠償之分析 article 說明頁(1152)
2002-09 我國商業責任保險供給意願之分析 article pdf(1576)
2001-12 我國保險公司現金持有量影響因素之分析 article pdf(1533)
2001-06 A Remedy for Liability Insurance Crisis article pdf(1039)