Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 1-25 of 39
Date Title Type Full Text
2018-08 Media Communication Research in the Digital Era: Moving Beyond Ontological Dualism article pdf(441)
2016-04 Contextuality, Commensurability, and Comparability in Comparative Research: Learning From Chinese Relationship Research article pdf(485)
2014-11 Culture, Paradigm, and Communication Theory: A Matter of Boundary or Commensurability? article pdf(979)
2011 Paradigm Shift and the Centrality of Communication Discipline article pdf(825)
2010-06 The Asian communication debate: culture-specificity, culture-generality, and beyond article pdf(1609)
2010-03 Collectivism, relations, and Chinese communication article pdf(1231)
2010-02 What collective? Collectivism and relationalism from a Chinese perspective article pdf(1654)
2010-02 Collectivism, relations, and Chinese communication article pdf(1472)
2010 Going beyond a dualistic view of culture and economic power: the case of reality television in Greater China article pdf(1265)
2009-12 Editorial article pdf(1479)
2009-07 Going beyond the dualistic view of culture and market economy: Learning from the localization of reality television in Greater China article pdf(1318)
2008-08 Reconceptualizing the role of culture in media globalization: reality television in Greater China article
2005 Globalization and hybridization in cultural productsThe cases of Mulan and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon article pdf(1265)
2003 Foreign investment policies, sovereignty and growth article pdf(853)
2002-01 華人傳播理論:從頭打造或逐步融合? article pdf(1028)
2002 User Behavior and the “Globalness” of Internet: From a Taiwan Users` Perspective article web page(1650)
2000.09 East, West, Communication and Theory: Searching for the Meaning for Searching for Asian Communication Theories article web page(1812)pdf(1359)
2000 East, west, communication, and theory: Searching for the meaning of searching for Asian communication theories article pdf(877)
1999 Regulating network communication in Asia: a different balancing act? article pdf(834)
1997 Privatization and commercialization of the Western‐European and South‐East Asian broadcasting media article pdf(1167)
1997 Beyond media globalization: A look at cultural integrity from a policy perspective article pdf(1114)
1996-07 成長與發展中的傳播研究:一九九五學門人力資源調查報告 article pdf(822)
1995-12 兩岸三地電訊立法制定程序簡介 article pdf(1227)
1995 Satellite TV in Asia: Forming a new ecology article pdf(713)
1992-06 有線電視法草案面面觀 article