Publications- All

Showing 1-25 of 54
Date Title Type Full Text
2025-01 媒介多工也可以感到幸福:高任務相關媒介多工是關鍵 article pdf(33)
2024-08 The Impact of Like-Skipping Behavior on Social Media: An Analysis of Age Differences and Social Consequences conference pdf(62)
2024-07 Enhancing Task Enjoyment in Media Multitasking: The Role of Relatedness and Anticipatory Self-Referencing conference web page(54)
2024-01 生活中不可或缺的手機:青少年手機使用與多工 book/chapter web page(91)
2023-08 Exploring the Relationship between Relevant Multitasking and Persuasion: The Role of Inattentional Screen Blindness, Elaboration, and Flow conference web page(285)
2023-06 媒介多工如何提升幸福感:認知負荷與心流的連續中介效果 conference pdf(89)
2023-02 Media multitasking, counterarguing, and brand attitude: Testing the mediation effects of advertising attention and cognitive load article web page(279)
2022-05 Predictors of Covid Knowledge, Public Health Compliance, and Vaccine Intent in the US, South Korea, Taiwan, and India conference
2022-04 Z世代媒介多工動機與消費決策信心:從眾、任務相關性、與資訊可診斷性之調節連續中介效果 article web page(500)
2021-08 Media multitasking and mood management: The positive and negative mediation effects of entertainment and flow on mood repair conference web page(362)
2021-06 Z世代媒介多工動機與消費決策信心:從眾、任務相關性、與資訊可診斷性之調節連續中介效果 conference web page(420)
2021 跨國企業避險與避稅之關連性分析 thesis pdf(66)
2018-08 Perceived message consistency: Explicating how brand messages being processed across multiple online media article pdf(500)
2018-05 Impression Management and Beyond: Exploring Why Young Consumers Like, Share, and Comment on Facebook Advertising conference
2017-05 The influence of media multitasking on the impulse to buy: A moderated mediation model article pdf(462)
2017 Why Do Young People Multitask With Multiple Media? Explicating the Relationships Among Sensation Seeking, Needs,and Media Multitasking Behavior article web page(1038)
2016-12 Exploring the memory network change in synergy: The effect-based concept map approach conference
2016 網路素人創作內容決策歷程與觸動點分析-循序樣式探勘技術之應用 article pdf(422)
2015-07 跨世代行動上網與電視並用行為與動機 article pdf(331)
2013.10 什麼樣的科學新聞內容會受新聞媒體青睞? 報紙與電視科學新聞媒體顯著性之決定因素初探 article pdf(937)
2013-10 什麼樣的科學新聞內容會受新聞媒體青睞?報紙與電視科學新聞媒體顯著性之決定因素初探 article pdf(1456)
2013.03 Age matters: Short Message Service advertising reading behaviours article pdf(1352)
2012-06 因人而異的新聞消費行為:整合新聞媒介與新聞品牌的新思維 article pdf(1096)
2012-01 跨媒介新聞資訊處理模型:資訊來源擴大理論在新聞研究上的應用 article pdf(1046)
2012 新綜效測量方法之發展:概念化、操作化、與應用 report web page(887)pdf(321)