Publications- All

Showing 1-25 of 62
Date Title Type Full Text
2023-11 Harnessing Artificial Intelligence for Language Learning and Teaching conference pdf(4)
2022-11 Online/Offline D&D as an Immersive Environment for Language conference
2022-11 Table Top Role-Playing Sequence for Language Classrooms conference
2022-11 VR in the Language Classroom other web page(265)
2022-1 Introduction book/chapter
2021-11 Educational Opportunities of Immersive English via Virtual Reality conference
2021-11 Topical Virtual Reality Project: Creative Thematic Narrative Language Classrooms conference
2021-10 Approaches to Original Escape Room Projects for the EFL Classroom conference web page(279)
2021-10 Literary Inspiration and Therapeutic Methods: The Magic Egg by Frank Stockton, the Fairy Dragon Process, and Others conference
2021-09 Reducing English Communication Apprehension in the English as a Foreign Language Classroom article web page(191)
2021-08 Murder in the Classroom: Mystery Role Plays for English as a Foreign Language article web page(327)
2021-07 Visionary and Stylistic Similarities in the Works of James Joyce and Pablo Picasso article web page(288)
2021-04 Bringing Classic Musical Theatre to the Popular Audience: Joseph Papp’s Approach to Gilbert and Sullivan’s The Pirates of Penzance article web page(254)
2021-04 Communication, Negotiation, and Building Armies: Totally Accurate Battle Simulator and the Language Learner conference web page(243)
2021-04 Virtual Pressure Situations: Asynchronous Virtual Reality and Language Teaching conference web page(226)
2020-11 Virtual Reality Interactive Drama: Multi-Platform Multi-Location Educational Experiences conference pdf(184)
2020-11 Virtually Communicating: Virtual Reality and Language Teaching conference web page(182)
2018-05 Should Cordelia Live or Die? An Examination of Critical Reactions in the Romantic Period to the Ending of William Shakespeare’s King Lear article pdf(318)
2017-05 The Fall of Lucifer: A Jungian Perspective from Biblical Source to Medieval Mystery Drama (The Alchemical Transformative Process and Inter-Textual Reading) article pdf(382)
2017-02 Language Learning and Focused Trance article pdf(458)
2016-06 Setting a Table Round: Stone, Wood, Cardboard, and Space-Age Plastic (Transformations in the Presentation of the Establishment of the Round Table in Arthurian Romances article pdf(404)
2015-02 Interactive Voices between James Joyce and Robert Anton Wilson article pdf(370)
2014-08 On Marriage: Off-Skew and Out-of-Center (An Approach via Michel Foucault) article pdf(399)
2011.11 INTERACTIVE PYNCHON: Teaching Thomas Pynchon``s Crying of Lot 49 with Roleplaying Games article pdf(1093)
2011 補助人文及社會科學研究圖書計畫規劃主題:大眾文學 report pdf(1346)