
Showing 1-25 of 30
Date Title Type Full Text
2023-11 Harnessing Artificial Intelligence for Language Learning and Teaching conference pdf(4)
2022-11 Online/Offline D&D as an Immersive Environment for Language conference
2022-11 Table Top Role-Playing Sequence for Language Classrooms conference
2021-11 Educational Opportunities of Immersive English via Virtual Reality conference
2021-11 Topical Virtual Reality Project: Creative Thematic Narrative Language Classrooms conference
2021-10 Approaches to Original Escape Room Projects for the EFL Classroom conference web page(279)
2021-10 Literary Inspiration and Therapeutic Methods: The Magic Egg by Frank Stockton, the Fairy Dragon Process, and Others conference
2021-04 Communication, Negotiation, and Building Armies: Totally Accurate Battle Simulator and the Language Learner conference web page(243)
2021-04 Virtual Pressure Situations: Asynchronous Virtual Reality and Language Teaching conference web page(226)
2020-11 Virtual Reality Interactive Drama: Multi-Platform Multi-Location Educational Experiences conference pdf(184)
2020-11 Virtually Communicating: Virtual Reality and Language Teaching conference web page(182)
2006-11 Vicarious Border Crossings via Interactive Drama: Developing Language Skills and Communicative Interactivity (How Role Plays Enhance Cultural Understanding and Fluency in Classrooms) conference
2006-11 Imaginative Border Crossings: EFL Guided Imagery and Cultural Understanding (Student-Centered Communicative Skills and Affective Cultural Awareness) conference
2005-11 Writing Interactive Drama Role Plays for the Language Classroom conference
2004-11 Interactive Drama: Freeform Live Action Role Playing Games for the Classroom (Adapting Unscripted Theatre Methods to Language Learning) conference
2003-11 Hypnosis and Trancework Methods for Language Learning: Guided Imagery Suggestion and other Trance Techniques Adapted to the Language Classroom conference
2003-01 Deep Relaxation Trigger Response Conditioning Methods to Reduce Communication Apprehension Adapted to the Language Classroom in Taiwan conference
2002-11 Language of Illusion: Magic in the EFL Classroom conference
2002-06 Whodunit Interactive Drama Role Plays in the English as a Foreign Language Classroom conference
2001-12 Entrancement: Mesmeric Phenomenon in Nineteenth Century Popular Literature conference
2001-11 Adapting Guided Imagery Techniques to English Learning and Teaching in Taiwan conference
2001-05 IF.... Question/Discussion Activities for Advanced Conversation: The Book of Questions and Questions for the Game of Life in the International to Advanced Oral Training Class conference
2000-11 Virtuality Reality: The Thematic or Topical Narrative Stereographic Essay Project conference
1999 Interactive Drama Methods for Increasing Freeform Student Interaction conference
1999 Improvisational Language Structures: Improving Conversational Spontaneity through ILS Theatre Games conference