日期 | 題名 | 類型 | 全文 |
2022-10 | Cross-modal Referential Acts and Information Status in Mandarin-speaking Five-year-old Children’s Conversation | book/chapter | 說明頁(307) |
2018-12 | Influences of learner’s L2 English on their conceptualization of time in L1 Mandarin | book | |
2016-12 | L1 Acquisition of Discourse and Pragmatics | book/chapter | 說明頁(694) |
2015 | First Language Acquisition of Discourse and Pragmatics | book/chapter | 說明頁(1285) |
2014-05 | The pragmatic function of self/other reference in Mandarin child language | book/chapter | 說明頁(543) |
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