External Part-Time

Unit Title Department During Tenure
Rule Markup Language (RuleML) Steering Committee 211110 -
Rule Markup Language (RuleML) RuleML Challenge主辦人 21110101-
IGI Global 專書審稿人 2111 -2111
International Conference on Social Informatics (SocInfo) 議程委員 2011 -
International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics (WIMS) 議程委員 2011 -
Journal of Information Technol 期刊審稿人 null 2007 -
考試院 閱卷委員 考選部 20060816-20060816
Handbook of Computer Netwok 專書審稿人 2006 -2006
IEEE/WIC/ACM 年度研討會議程委員與評審 20050801-
國科會工程處 諮議委員 資訊學門二 20030801-20060731

Secondment Record

Unit Title During Tenure