Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 1-23 of 23
Date Title Type Full Text
2023-12 The Construction of the NCCU Shell Nouns Cross-Language Parallel Corpus (NCCU-SNPC) article web page(120)
2023-05 Czech instrumentals as shell nouns in L2 pedagogy article pdf(140)
2023-03 Remembering Professor Bohumil Palek (1936-2022) article web page(130)
2023-02 [書評] 歐洲的無國家族群與區域語言:同化和復振 — 56個案研究 article pdf(132)
2023-02 Deverbální jmenné predikáty v konstrukcích se slovesem dělat v češtině z mezijazykové perspektivy article web page(112)
2020-06 Some discussions on static and dynamic spatial expressions in Czech and Chinese article pdf(156)
2019-09 Images of Bohemia: The Translation of Czech literature in Taiwan and Mainland China article pdf(215)
2019-09 波西米亞意象?臺灣與中國的捷克文學翻譯 article pdf(205)
2019-06 Language and Cultural Planning in Siberia: Boarding School System Represented in the Texts of the Siberian Indigenous Writers article web page(373)
2018-06 想像與真實:捷克民族認同與莉布舍 article pdf(217)
2017-10 Linguistic integration policy and its impact on the construction of language identity: The Vietnamese migrant community in Czechia article pdf(408)
2017-01 A Typological Discussion of the Predicates Expressing Possessive Meaning “to have” in Taiwan Mandarin and Czech — a Learner Corpus-Based Study article pdf(441)
2016-12 Limits of the EU language education policy for migrants: a comparative study of the Vietnamese migrant community in the Czech Republic and the new immigrants in Taiwan article pdf(157)
2015-11 中東歐少數語言現況與語言維持 article pdf(840)
2015 Current Language Maintenance of the Minority Languages in Central and Eastern Europe article pdf(358)
2014 Linguistic choices for the identity of “China” in the discourse of Czech Sinologists article pdf(881)
2012.06 頌缽者療遇初探(一):頌缽之音與心靈冥視關連之探討/應用心理研究 article pdf(1094)
2012-06 頌缽者療遇初探(一):頌缽之音與心靈冥視關連之探討 article pdf(275)
2012-06 頌缽者療遇初探(一):頌缽之音與心靈冥視關連之探討/應用心理研究 article pdf(222)
2010-07 花蓮縣阿美族人的語言、地方與認同 article pdf(325)
2010-01 Language, place and identity: The politics of place and language in the formation of indigenous identity in Hualien, Taiwan article pdf(384)
2010-01 Sakizaya or Amis? - A Hidden Ethnic Group in Taiwan? article pdf(373)
2008-12 索布語的語言規劃工作-一個即將被遺忘的西斯拉夫語 article pdf(598)
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