
Showing 1-25 of 26
Date Title Type Full Text
2023-10 Philanthropic Authoritarianism: Social Governance and Mobilization in Xi’s China conference 說明頁(38)
2023-07 There is no turning back? Assessing China's intention of use of force in solving the Taiwan question in the Xi Jinping era conference pdf(84)
2023-04 Disciplining Officials or Embracing Populism? Examining Xi Jinping’s Domestic Travels conference 說明頁(84)
2023-04 No Turning Back? Assessing China’s Intention to Use Force in Solving the Taiwan Issue after 2018 conference 說明頁(124)
2022-11 棋局已定?解析「二十大」習體制對台論述的變與常 conference pdf(36)
2022-11 Urban Management in Authoritarian China: How the Smart City Can Enhance Comprehensive Law Enforcement conference 說明頁(123)
2022-06 Anatomy of Diplomatic Work among Chinese Top Leaderships conference 說明頁(112)
2022-06 鑲嵌在中國兩個大局的兩岸關係:習近平時期中共對台政策解析 conference 說明頁(123)
2019-04 Favor vs. Fear: Protest Targeting and Mass Violence in China conference
2018-12 學術資源的權威性分配:中國國家社科基金項目中的國家社會關係 conference pdf(290)
2018-11 要錢還是要命?中國社會抗爭對象與群眾暴力分析 conference pdf(392)
2018-04 Rural-Urban Divide? Reassessing Voting in Chinese Villagers’ Committee and Residents’ Committee Elections conference 說明頁(607)
2018-04 Social Protests and State Responses in Contemporary China: A Comparison of Four “Anti-PX” Incidents conference 說明頁(681)
2018-04 An Eye for an Eye? Analyzing Citizens` Use of Violence in China`s Popular Protest conference 說明頁(636)
2018-04 Discussants 9-14 : The Context of Electoral System and Process in New Democracies: The Case of Taiwan conference 說明頁(633)
2017-12 Between A Rock and A Hard Place: The Experience of Asia-Pacific Countries and the Cross-Strait Relations conference pdf(457)
2012-12 台灣中國政治研究的系譜:方法論與議題分析 conference 說明頁(1237)
2012-11 影響中國民眾暴力抗爭的因素分析 conference
2012-06 為何鎮壓?中國社會抗爭與國家的策略選擇 conference
2012-04 當代中國國家能力與社會穩定:兼論「創新社會管理」的意涵 conference
2011-12 中國經濟不均衡發展與社會抗爭 conference
2011-10 層層博奕:『天津濱海新區』的發展與挑戰 conference
2011-06 中國大陸社會抗爭分析:兼論對地方治理的啟示 conference
2011-04 牽一髮動全身:中國大陸社會問題連動與維穩困境 conference
2010-10 兩岸交流與台灣民眾認同變遷:2008年以來的分析 conference 說明頁(1068)