Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 1-23 of 23
Date Title Type Full Text
2024-04 Information environment and participation of foreign banks in U.S. syndicated loan market article web page(154)
2023-09 Board political connections and tradeoff between market and nonmarket advantages: evidence from corporate financial information disclosure article web page(201)
2023-07 Does Discretionary Loan Loss Provision Strengthen or Weaken Market Information Efficiency in The Banking Sector? article web page(163)
2018-05 具銀行相關經驗之董事對借款條件之影響:以聯貸市場為例 article pdf(372)
2016-03 臺灣會計領域研究之回顧與展望 article web page(516)
2016-02 臺灣會計領域研究之回顧與展望 article pdf(548)
2016-02 Do board interlocks motivate voluntary disclosure? Evidence from Taiwan article pdf(669)
2015-09 Does financial statement information affect cross-border lending by foreign banks in the syndicated loan market? Evidence from a natural experiment article pdf(559)
2015-03 Mandatory adoption of IFRS and timely loss recognition across Europe: The effect of corporate finance incentives article pdf(830)
2014-12 Does mutual fund ownership affect financial reporting quality for Chinese privately-owned enterprises? article pdf(1368)
2014.06 Re-examining the relationship between PIN and timely loss recognition article pdf(866)
2014.03 Innovation efficiency and asymmetric timeliness of earnings: Evidence from an emerging market article pdf(1027)
2013.09 Does mandatory IFRS adoption affect the credit ratings of foreign firms cross-listed in the US? article web page(1446)
2013.09 Corporate pyramids, conservatism and cost of debt: Evidence from Taiwan article pdf(1011)
2013.09 Exploring the causes of accounting restatements by family firms article pdf(1268)
2013.08 Intellectual Capital Disclosure and Accounting Standards article web page(1246)
2013.05 Intellectual Capital Disclosure and Accounting Standards article pdf(1125)
2012 The causal relationships between aspects of customer capital article pdf(1479)
2012 Innovation activity and corporate financing: evidence from a developing economy article pdf(1061)
2011 Earnings components and the asymmetric timeliness of earnings: the case of FRS 3 in the UK article pdf(1318)
2009-06 The impact of accounting information quality on the mispricing of accruals: The case of FRS3 in the UK article pdf(1124)
2009 Accounting conservatism and the cost of equity capital: UK evidence article pdf(1736)
2008.12 Asymmetric timeliness of earnings and board of directors remuneration plans article web page(1387)
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