
Showing 1-25 of 107
Date Title Type Full Text
2023-07 Impulsive action measured by a differential reinforcement of low-rate-response (DRL) schedule conference
2023-07 Resting-state functional connectivity in differential reinforcement of low-rate-response behavior conference
2021-07 Investigating the impulsive action component of differential reinforcement of low-rate responding conference 說明頁(282)
2021-01 Individual differences in the impulsive action on two timing-related operant behaviors are correlated in rats conference 說明頁(180)
2020-07 Glutamate metabolic level of nucleus accumbens associated to impulsive action of DRL behavior in the rat conference pdf(282)
2019-03 Investigating the impulsive choice of young adults in delay discounting, probabilistic discounting, and risk preference task conference
2019-03 Reappraisal and distraction regulate the emotional arousal and increase the utilitarian choices conference
2019-03 The development of the variance discounting task to investigate the impulsivity with delay discounting task and probabilistic discounting task conference
2019-01 Neural mechanisms for tracking self and other reward in dictator game conference 說明頁(430)
2018-03 The role of optimism in dissecting the neural correlates of ambidextrous decision making conference
2016 以功能性磁振造影探討政治認同對於社會信任行為的影響 conference 說明頁(805)
2016 最後通牒賽局提議者因策略而提議公平分錢:功能性磁振造影研究 conference 說明頁(716)
2014-11 Seeing or doing? Pitch recognition of batters versus pitchers: A preliminary report conference 說明頁(1432)
2014-11 To bat or not to bat? Batting eye of elite batters: A preliminary report conference 說明頁(1364)
2013 Escalation of commiement in software projects: An examination of two theories conference 說明頁(719)
2012-09 The Anticipated Risk Factor in Error Monitoring System: A FRN Study conference
2012-09 Effects of Color and Avatar on Perceived Webpage Closeness:An Exploratory fMRI Study conference
2012-06 The roles of working memory and approximate numerosity system on junior high school math achievements conference
2012-04 The Emotional Picture Processing of Optimistic and Pessimistic Persons:An ERP study conference
2012-04 The peripheral physiological reactions in viewing Taiwanese Affective Pictures conference
2012-03 Memory updating capacity is the better predictor of multiplication performance than numerical acuity conference
2011-09 The risk factor and emotion-decision mechanism in somatic marker hypothesis conference
2011-09 Testing somatic marker hypothesis with modified IGTs conference
2011-09 The Taiwan Affective Picture System: The norm, psychophsiological responses and eye movement patterns conference
2011-09 The effects of expected value and risk level in a modified IGT: A fMRI study conference