Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 1-25 of 28
Date Title Type Full Text
2024-06 A preliminary investigation of dissociation between subjective cognitive complaints and objective cognitive impairments in female patients with fibromyalgia: a role of information processing speed article web page(124)
2023-09 Development of the Chronic Pain Cognition Scale: A Culture-Sensitive Pain Measurement in Chinese article web page(210)
2022-12 The effect of the preoperational psychoeducation program for Taiwanese breast cancer patients: A three-month follow-up study article web page(302)
2021-09 Development of the Subjective Cognitive Decline Scale for Mandarin-Speaking Population article web page(265)
2019-03 Validation of the Global Activity Limitation Indicator in Taiwan article pdf(450)
2019-02 慢性病患者病後生活變動、罹病情緒、預期控制、自我照顧與憂鬱的關係:疾病調適雙路徑探討 article web page(475)
2018-12 失智症照護的創新生活科技 article web page(480)
2018-01 Quick screening tool for patients with severe negative emotional reactions to chronic illness—Psychometric study of the negative emotions due to chronic illness screening test (NECIS). article pdf(575)
2016-12 Functions of and Relations between Self-Efficacy and Coping Strategies in Adaptation to Chronic Illness: Two Different Emotion-Focused Coping Strategies article pdf(498)
2016-06 臺灣老化態度量表之編製與心理計量特性 article pdf(647)
2015-12 The relationship between pain management and psychospiritual distress in patients with advanced cancer following admission to a palliative care unit article pdf(883)
2015-12 The relationship between pain management and psychospiritual distress in patients with advanced cancer following admission to a palliative care unit. article pdf(413)
2015-06 想法行動融合與 HEXACO 人格模式關連之初探 article pdf(544)
2015-03 Active engagement in social groups as a predictor for mental and physical health among Taiwanese older adults: A four-year longitudinal study. article pdf(825)
2015-01 Consciousness Levels One Week after Admission to a Palliative Care Unit Improve Survival Prediction in Advanced Cancer Patients. article web page(681)
2014 探討初診慢性病患者之個人建構組型-「威脅指標-台灣版」之臨床應用 article pdf(653)
2014 Grouping Patients with Newly Diagnosed Chronic Illness by Their Personal Constructs: A Clinical Application of the "Threat Index-Taiwan Version" article pdf(453)
2013-03 Does exposure to stressors predict changes in physiological dysregulation? article pdf(426)
2013-02 Plasma adiponectin levels correlate positively with an increasing number of components of frailty in male elders. article pdf(486)
2012.03 Overview of studies related to geriatric syndrome in Taiwan. article web page(1683)
2012-03 Correlates of thigh muscle index with physical performance in ambulatory geriatric patients article web page(1187)
2010.04 Significance of Symptom Clustering in Palliative Care of Advanced Cancer Patients. article web page(1167)
2010.02 Diabetes mellitus and functional impairment in Taiwanese older men and women. article web page(1324)
2009.10 Social relations and PTSD symptoms: A prospective study on earthquake-impacted adolescents in Taiwan. article web page(1062)
2009.01 Social relations and PTSD symptoms: a prospective study on earthquake-impacted adolescents in Taiwan. article pdf(991)