Publications- All

Showing 1-25 of 57
Date Title Type Full Text
2023-06 Fund flows and fund performance on lottery funds conference pdf(64)
2023-06 Fund flows and fund performance on lottery funds conference pdf(69)
2023-06 Fund flows and fund performance on lottery funds conference pdf(159)
2023-05 Investor attention, fee structure, and newly issued funds article web page(74)
2023-04 Revisiting the momentum effect in Taiwan: The role of persistency article web page(70)
2023-04 Historical Low and Long-term Return Reversals conference pdf(131)
2022-10 Investor sentiment and the prospect theory effect conference pdf(157)
2022-10 Strategic mutual fund starts and the spillover effect conference pdf(203)
2022-09 Alternative errors-in-variables models and their applications in finance research book/chapter web page(111)
2022-08 Optimal payout ratio under uncertainty and the flexibility hypothesis: Theory and empirical evidence book/chapter web page(101)
2022-05 Investor sentiment and the prospect theory effect conference pdf(30)
2022-03 ESG Momentum Strategies: A Comparison between Taiwanese and Japanese Markets article web page(306)
2022-03 Corporate growth and strategic payout policy article web page(281)
2022-03 Investor sentiment and the prospect theory effect conference web page(118)
2021-12 Time-dependent lottery preference and the cross-section of stock returns article web page(222)
2021-09 Historical low and long-term reversal conference web page(133)
2021-08 Internet search, fund flows, and fund performance article pdf(183)
2021-01 Historical low and long-term reversal conference pdf(21)
2020-10 Do investors exaggerate corporate ESG information? Evidence of the ESG momentum effect in the Taiwanese market? article pdf(218)
2020-09 Pricing fair deposit insurance: Structural model approach book/chapter web page(100)
2020-09 The joint determinants of capital structure and stock rate of return: A LISREL model approach book/chapter web page(83)
2020-09 Does revenue momentum drive or ride earnings or price momentum? book/chapter web page(88)
2020-09 Technical, fundamental, and combined information for separating winners from losers book/chapter web page(89)
2020-09 Optimal payout ratio under uncertainty and the flexibility hypothesis: Theory and empirical evidence book/chapter web page(109)
2020-09 Sustainable growth rate, optimal growth rate, and optimal payout ratio: A joint optimization approach book/chapter web page(101)