Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 1-18 of 18
Date Title Type Full Text
2023-12 共創治理的實踐探索:以雲林縣兩個村落的參與式預算為例 article pdf(73)
2023-11 Translating participatory budgeting into an administrative system: the case of Taipei city article web page(223)
2023-06 農村民主進一步—雲林縣參與式民主協會的民主現場 article web page(50)
2021-05 公務人員為何沉默?公部門權力距離與員工沉默行為對工作滿意度之影響 article pdf(320)
2020-12 當公民參與遇上專案管理:以台北市參與式預算的專案管理為例 article pdf(346)
2019-12 民主創新與公共價值創造的實踐-以台灣都會區參與式預算為例 periodical articles web page(375)
2019-06 Toward an integrative framework of dynamic capabilities in innovation-¬based public services: Empirical analysis in Taiwan article pdf(198)
2018-09 Fostering Employee Cooperation Behavior in the Federal Workplace: Exploring the Effects of Performance Management Strategies article pdf(389)
2018 Do Good Workplace Relationships Encourage Employee Whistle-blowing? article pdf(392)
2017-09 書評:Tina Nabatchi and Matt Leighninger (蒂娜.娜芭琪與麥特.藍尼格), «Public Participation for 21st Century Democracy» (21世紀民主的公眾參與) (John Wiley & Son, Inc., 2015) article pdf(300)
2016 書評—績效統計數據的管理:以結果導向的領導策略 (The PerformanceStat Potential: A Leadership Strategy for Producing Results) article pdf(429)
2014.04 Testing Municipal Reinvention on the Price of Municipal Governance article web page(939)
2013-06 書評:Achieving Ethical Competency for Public Service Leadership(實踐公共服務領導力所需的德行能力), edited by Terry L. Cooper & Donald C. Menzel(泰力‧庫柏與唐納‧曼佐(編)).M.E. Sharp, Inc. article pdf(547)
2012.04 Motivational Bases and Emotional Labor: Assessing the Impact of Public Service Motivation article web page(959)
2012-04 Motivational Bases and Emotional Labor: Assessing the Impact of Public Service Motivation article pdf(812)
2011-12 Book Review. Public Sector Leadership: International Challenges and Perspectives, by Jeffrey A. Raffel, Peter Leisink, article pdf(652)
2007-09 地方公共審議說理過程初探:2005 年宜蘭社大公民會議個案研究 article pdf(1056)
2006-06 「說道理」的道理—地方公共審議論理過程的探索 article pdf(997)
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