
Showing 1-16 of 16
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus WOS Altmetric
2023-05 Disciplining CBDCs: Achieving the Balance between Privacy Protection and Central Bank Independence article 說明頁(76)
2022-12 論印太安全合作的重建與新建:以四方會談與美英澳協議為例 article 說明頁(58)
2022-08 黯淡的珍珠:2022年斯里蘭卡經濟危機剖析 article 說明頁(183)
2022-04 Policy Responses to Cross-border Central Bank Digital Currencies – Assessing the Transborder Effects of Digital Yuan article 說明頁(222)
2022-03 Understanding Policy Diffusion Mechanism of Financial Regulatory Innovation: The Experience of Taiwan article 說明頁(363)
2021-06 初探新興金融監理制度之擴散:以監理沙盒為例 article pdf(290)
2020-09 論未定疆界對持續領土爭端的衝突緩和作用:以2017中印洞朗對峙為例 article pdf(236)
2020-09 The Prospects of the US Alliance System in Asia: Managing from the Hub article pdf(164)
2020-09 中共網際權力之初探:以資訊與通訊科技在國際合作中之吸引力為觀察 article pdf(225)
2019-09 武裝部隊的忠誠與團結 對內戰發生之影響 article pdf(180)
2019-04 Taiwan`s `people-centered` New Southbound Policy and its impact on US–Taiwan relations article pdf(274)
2019-04 Taiwan`s ‘people-centered’ New Southbound Policy and its impact on US–Taiwan relations article pdf(229)
2018-12 公諸於眾:淺析同盟合作中的盟友間爭端 article pdf(168)
2018-04 The Belt-Road Initiative in South Asia: India-China Relations and the Development of Economic Corridor in Bay of Bengal  article pdf(481)
2018-01 Sitting outside the Network: reassuring the stability of Taiwan Strait under the Trump administration=Sentado fuera de la red:Reasegurando la estabilidad del Estrecho de Taiwan bajo la administración Trump article pdf(230)
2013-09 Mostly bark, little bite? Modeling US arms sales to Taiwan and the Chinese response article pdf(734)
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