
Showing 1-17 of 17
Date Title Type Full Text
2008-11 「基本公共服務均等化」與農村義務教育的發展 conference
2007-12 從十七大檢視大陸財政體制轉型的進程與成果 conference
2007-11 從財政經費的運用看大陸地方政府的治理績效-以農村義務教育的發展為例 conference
2007-02 中國市場轉型中財政體制的變遷對農村義務教育的影響 conference
2007-02 中國市場轉型中財政體制的變遷對農村義務教育的影響 conference
2006-12 新農村建設人力資源開發的政策選擇-優先發展農村義務教育之合理性與有效性 conference
2006-12 新農村建設人力資源開發的政策選擇-優先發展農村義務教育之合理性與有效性 conference
2006-04 中國市場轉型中財政體制的變遷對農村義務教育的影響 conference
2006-04 中國市場轉型中財政體制的變遷對農村義務教育的影響 conference
2004-12 中國大陸西部地區產業發展與比較優勢配合度之檢定 conference
2004-12 中國大陸西部地區產業發展與比較優勢配合度之檢定 conference
1998-01 Township-Village-Enterprises in China in 1983-1995 conference
1998-01 Township-Village-Enterprises in China in 1983-1995 conference
1998 Efficiency and Technological Change in Township-Village-Enterprises in China in 1983-1995 conference
1998 Efficiency and Technological Change in Township-Village-Enterprises in China in 1983-1995 conference
1998 The Development of Mainland China`s Township-Village-Enterprises: Is the Third Sector Sustainable? conference
1998 The Development of Mainland China`s Township-Village-Enterprises: Is the Third Sector Sustainable? conference
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