
Showing 1-17 of 17
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus WOS Altmetric
2022-12 蘭千故宮緣:記「蘭千山館」寄存文物對國立故宮博物院的意義 article 說明頁(118)
2021-10 嘯侶攀蘿帶:溥心畬的猿畫及其仿古 article 說明頁(181)
2020-07 攬勝─近現代實景山水畫 article pdf(134)
2019-12 評介:Phyllis Teo, Rewriting Modernism: Three Women Artists in Twentieth- Century China article 說明頁(240)
2019-06 繡畫大千─謝書賢《繡張大千仕女圖》 article pdf(171)
2019-03 與他方相遇─「亞洲探險記」展出書畫作品選介 article 說明頁(53)
2018-10 Stealing Words, Transplanting Images: Stephen Bushell and the Intercultural Articulation of “Chinese Art” in the Early Twentieth Century article 說明頁(36)
2018-06 書評:Chinese Painting and Its Audiences/Craig Clunas article 說明頁(51)
2018-04 「典藏新紀元─清末民初的上海畫壇」特展介紹 article pdf(139)
2017-12 大風堂收藏的無款佛教故事圖 article pdf(114)
2017-01 覺翁書畫─傅狷夫先生家族捐贈文物特展 article pdf(151)
2015-11 遺落的少作─郎世寧來華前所作油畫 article pdf(121)
2015-03 亂離心事─項聖謨寫生冊 article pdf(122)
2014-05 雅債縈身的文徵明形象 article pdf(115)
2014-02 Second Only to the Original: Rhetoric and Practice in the Photographic Reproduction of Art in Early Twentieth-Century China article 說明頁(41)
2013-09 照相複製年代裡的中國美術:《神州國光集》之複製態度與文化表述 article pdf(143)
2004-09 王原祁(1642-1715)《擬盧鴻草堂十志圖冊》及其畫道追求 article 說明頁(191)
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