
Showing 26-50 of 89
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus WOS Altmetric
2012-07 Could maturity gap promote the identity exploration in adolescence? The relationship between maturity gap, identity strategies, and problem behaviors article pdf(674)
2012-01 The hierarchical model of social interaction anxiety and depression: The critical roles of fears of evaluation article pdf(855)
2011-06 Risk factors for PTSD after Typhoon Morkot among elderly people in Taiwanese aboriginal communities article pdf(1376)
2011.01 Risk factors for PTSD after Typhoon Morakot among elderly people in Taiwanese aboriginal communities. article 說明頁(1121)
2011-01 Absence of a positive bias in social anxiety: the application of a directed forgetting paradigm article pdf(1905)
2011-01 門診癌症患者參與心理社會介入之意圖評估~計畫行為理論之運用 article pdf(858)
2010.12 重大創傷事件的個人意義化歷程:建構與轉化 article pdf(725)
2010-10 Appending chinese language names to medicine labels: The effect on nursing staff label recognition efficacy article pdf(927)
2010 Dificits in interval timing measured by the dual-task paradigm among children and adolescents with attention-dificit/hyperactivity disorder article pdf(1169)
2009.09 Deficits in interval timing measured by the dual-task paradigm among children and adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. article 說明頁(1043)
2009-09 探討成熟斷層對於青少年違犯行為之影響 article pdf(1130)
2009-03 不同類型的自我落差對華人憂鬱與焦慮情緒的影響 article pdf(1139)
2009 從情緒與認知反應探討父母衝突對兒童適應的影響 article pdf(1201)
2008-12 台灣兒童及青少年關係量表(TRICA)之編製和心理計量特性研究 article pdf(1556)
2008-12 性犯罪者的“自負特質”與攻擊行爲及自我控制的關係 article pdf(1071)
2008-09 反芻的多向度對大學生負向情緒變化之影響 article pdf(1150)
2008-06 父母衝突下兒童情緒反應之探討:社會學習理論與情緒安全感假說之比較 article
2008-05 Coping strategies in Chinese social context article pdf(1424)
2008 台灣臨床心理學與美國臨床心理學之比較 article pdf(1042)
2008 父母衝突下兒童情緒反映之探討:社會學習理論與情緒安全感假說之比較 article pdf(1162)
2008 台灣臨床心理學與美國臨床心理學之比較 article pdf(7864)
2008 The Professionalization of the Clinical Psychologists in Taiwan: A Comparative Method article pdf(383)
2007-09 注意力資源與時間知覺雙重作業之關係 article pdf(1379)
2006-11 以「素質-壓力」模式探討中學生自殺危險因子 article pdf(1540)
2006-03 影響自殺企圖者的自殺危險性發生路徑之檢驗 article pdf(1287)