All Of Publications(Limit:College of Education、Proceedings、2010-2019)

Showing 101-125 of 135
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2017-12 幼兒教師專業發展研究:文獻回顧 徐聯恩Hsu, Lien-An conference
2018-06 幼兒園課程轉型領導研究之回顧 徐聯恩Hsu, Lien-An conference
2018-06 我國幼兒教養研究的回顧 徐聯恩Hsu, Lien-An conference
2016-11 家園夥伴關係與教師專業發展 徐聯恩Hsu, Lien-An conference 說明頁(207)
2017-12 當前幼兒美語教學與教師專業發展 徐聯恩Hsu, Lien-An conference
2018-10 Waldorf Guidance Work: A Case Study of Teachers’ Experiences about Counseling Problem Issues at a Non-School Experimental Institution in Taiwan 楊昕瑜、Yang, Hsin-Yu conference pdf(124)
2016-11 A pilot study on bully-victims’ developing process of bullying and victimized experiences 宋宥賢、Sung, Yu-Hsien、Chen, Li-Ming、Yen, Cheng-Fang conference 說明頁(175)
2018-07 A study on exploring the attitudes and considering factors of Taiwanese students for studying in New southbound policy countries 宋宥賢、Sung, Yu-Hsien conference pdf(44)
2018-09 Deepen the understanding for school bully-victims : the reasons for bully-victims` role formations, role transitions, and role terminations 宋宥賢、Sung, Yu-Hsien、Chen, Li-Ming、Valcke, Martin (UGent)、Yen, Cheng-Fang conference 說明頁(128)
2016-07 Effects of providing training, written definition, and checklist of bullying characteristics on teachers` bullying identification 宋宥賢、Sung, Yu-Hsien、Li-Ming Chen, K. H. Chen and T. H. Chen conference 說明頁(113)
2016-07 Facing student counseling legalization progress : high school and elementary school newly appointed counseling administrators and school counselors pre-service training planning study 宋宥賢、Sung, Yu-Hsien、Lee, Pei-Shan、Fang, Hui-Sheng、Shen, Hui-Chuan、Chuang, Hsueh-Hua conference 說明頁(149)
2017-12 How to comprehensively understand school bully-victims and timely provide assistance 宋宥賢、Sung, Yu-Hsien conference
2018-03 Who are school bully-victims and how can I help them: practical perspectives from school teachers 宋宥賢、Sung, Yu-Hsien、Chen, Li-Ming、Valcke, Martin (UGent) conference 說明頁(123)
2015-11 Where can they go? The challenges and difficulties from the guidance processes of dropout students 宋宥賢、Sung, Yu-Hsien conference 說明頁(113)
2016-04 角色職責定位概況與困境之探究:國中專任輔導教師實務現場之觀點 宋宥賢、Sung, Yu-Hsien conference 說明頁(106)
2017-05 The needs for pre-service training programs : a pilot study on novice school counselors in Taiwan 宋宥賢、Sung, Yu-Hsien、Chang, Sheng-Chieh、Lee, Pei-San conference 說明頁(109)
2014-11 得來不易的幸福:一位過動症兒童之照顧者心路歷程探究 宋宥賢、Sung, Yu-Hsien conference
2018-12 Strengthening teacher training in higher education: what about school bullying management? 宋宥賢、Sung, Yu-Hsien、Valcke, Martin (UGent)、Chen, Li-Ming conference 說明頁(153)
2018-06 A Teacher Professional Development Platform in the Big Data Trend: The Development and Application of “TEAM Model Smarter Discussion Room” 張奕華Chang, I-Hua、Hsu, Cheng-Mei、Wu, Chuan-Wei conference 說明頁(119)
2017-06 A Study on Examining the Effects of Online Computer Support for Collaborative Design (CSCD) Environment 張奕華 conference
2017-06 Using Computer-based Concept Mapping for Assessing and Promoting Creativity in Green Design 張奕華 conference
2018-07 Parenting style, consumption and class distinction: Toy consumption and holiday tour as examples 張盈堃 conference
2018-05 支持導向VS利益導向的家長學校參與研究:以一所勞動階級為主的幼兒園為田野 張盈堃 conference 說明頁(91)
2018-05 幼兒園場域中權力技術的行使與抵抗—以教師、家長及幼兒園負責人的權力網絡為焦點 張盈堃 conference 說明頁(119)
2018-04 我認為的新時代幼教師資培育 張盈堃 conference