All Of Publications(Limit:Department of Philosophy、Articles、2010-2019)

Showing 1-25 of 166
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2010-12 論道德發展理論的當代爭議與儒家倫理學性格的釐定 林遠澤Lin, Yuan-ze article
2013.08 論如來藏思想在解脫學上的根本困難—以《寶性論》為中心的探討 耿晴、Keng, Ching article pdf(1941)
2012-04 論荀子「聖人生禮義」所含藏的問題 何淑靜Ho, Shu-Ching article pdf(667)
2011-12 由聖人看荀子的知禮義與虛壹靜/當代儒學研究 何淑靜Ho, Shu-Ching article 說明頁(848)
2010-06 柏拉圖哲學在德國當代的發展 彭文林 article
2010-07 處於倫理內在性與宗教超越性之間:胡塞爾與海德格的宗教現象學之比較 汪文聖 article pdf(926)
2010-08 從亞里斯多德思想來詮解海德格的《存有與時間》 汪文聖、Wang, Wen-Shen article
2011-06 On the Interaction between Confucian Knowledge and Political Power in Traditional China and Korea: A Historical Overview 何信全Ho, Hsin-Chuan article 說明頁(1212)
2011-06 Can We Deduce the Principle of Rule of Law from Confucianism? An Analysis Based on the Conception of Moral Autonomy 何信全Ho, Hsin-chuan article pdf(803)
2010-06 Truth and Method in the Saṃdhinirmocana SÅ«tra 林鎮國Lin, Chen-Kuo article pdf(1350)
2011-10 Divinity and Beauty through the Process of Indication-A Phenomenological Approach 汪文聖、Wang, Wen-Sheng article pdf(769)
2011-05 The Grecian and Judeo-Christian Background in Heidegger`s Conception of Dasein: On a Possible Meeting-point of Eastern and Western Philosophy 汪文聖、Wang, Wen-Sheng article pdf(967)
2011-03 Introduction: Philosophy and Theology 汪文聖、Wang, Wen-Sheng article pdf(825)
2011-03 Dose Heidegger Stand for a Theological Philosophy or a Philosophical Theology? In Comparison with Husserl`s and Arendt`s Position 汪文聖、Wang, Wen-Shen article pdf(976)
2010-09 休閒文化意義的現象學構成 汪文聖、Wang, Wen-Shen article
2010-02 精神分裂症病患與家庭成員面臨疾病遺傳不確定情境之生活經驗探討 陸雪芬、洪志成、汪文聖、許樹珍 article pdf(979)
2012-02 Fa, Lei and Mohist Bian-Knowledge in Practice and Dao-Following 林從一Lin, Chung-I article pdf(850)
2011 Xunzi as a Semantic Inferentialist: Zhengmin, Bian-Shuo and Dao-Li Lin, chung-I林從一 article pdf(1531)
2010-07 再論孟、告辯「生之謂性」的邏輯推理問題 何淑靜Ho, Shu-Ching article pdf(1024)
2010-09 What Is the Right to Free Speech:A Thin Theory 鄭光明、Cheng, Kuang-ming article pdf(1124)
2011-08 Once-and-for-all-ism Or All-or-none-ism? Langton and Green on Subordination and Silencing 鄭光明、Cheng, Kuang-Ming article pdf(1587)
2012-06 The Reasonable View vs. the Civil-rights View: Vadas`s Anti-pornography Argument 鄭光明、Cheng, Kuang-Ming article pdf(838)
2012-08 Who Should Be Responsible for the Subordination of Women? Vadas’s Feinbergian Analysis of Pornography 鄭光明、Cheng, Kuang-Ming article pdf(1377)
2010-06 韓非關於用與美的矛盾與合作關係 詹康 article pdf(887)
2010-03 《莊子》調和派的道德挑戰與實踐哲學 詹康Chan,Kang article pdf(480)