All Of Publications(Limit:Department of History、Articles、2010-2019)

Showing 226-237 of 237
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2018-04 「典藏新紀元─清末民初的上海畫壇」特展介紹 劉宇珍、Liu, Yu‐Jen article pdf(138)
2017-12 大風堂收藏的無款佛教故事圖 劉宇珍、Liu, Yu‐Jen article pdf(114)
2014-05 雅債縈身的文徵明形象 劉宇珍、Liu, Yu‐Jen article pdf(115)
2015-03 亂離心事─項聖謨寫生冊 劉宇珍、Liu, Yu‐Jen article pdf(122)
2015-11 遺落的少作─郎世寧來華前所作油畫 劉宇珍、Liu, Yu‐Jen article pdf(121)
2017-01 覺翁書畫─傅狷夫先生家族捐贈文物特展 劉宇珍、Liu, Yu‐Jen article pdf(151)
2015-01 Schools, Temples, and Tombs across the Sea: The Re-Civilization of Post-Zheng Taiwan, 1683–1722 雷恩‧侯洛伊德、Holroyd, Ryan article pdf(98)
2017-10 Whatever happened to those villains of the Indian seas? The happy retirement of the Madagascar pirates, 1698–1721 雷恩‧侯洛伊德、Holroyd, Ryan article pdf(162)
2014-03 The Documents and History of Farmers’ Association: Focus on the Conflicts between the Political Cliques over the Integration and Separation of Farmers’ Association and Cooperatives in Taiwan 黃仁姿、Huang, Jen-tzu article 說明頁(226)
2014-02 Second Only to the Original: Rhetoric and Practice in the Photographic Reproduction of Art in Early Twentieth-Century China 劉宇珍、Liu, Yu-jen article 說明頁(41)
2018-10 Stealing Words, Transplanting Images: Stephen Bushell and the Intercultural Articulation of “Chinese Art” in the Early Twentieth Century 劉宇珍、Liu, Yu-jen article 說明頁(35)
2018-06 書評:Chinese Painting and Its Audiences/Craig Clunas 劉宇珍、Liu, Yu-jen article 說明頁(51)