All Of Publications(Limit:College of Foreign Languages and Literature、Articles、2010-2019)

Showing 51-75 of 742
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2012.01 Die, Mädchenlieder` Walthers von der Vogelweide und ihre Pastourellen-Diskussion-anhand zweier Lieder: Unter der linden (39, 11) und Nement, frowe, disen cranz (74, 20) 姚紹基Yao, Shao-Ji article 說明頁(1610)
2013.09 詩與真實─以Bruder Wernher為例描繪13世紀德語說唱詩人職業生活 姚紹基Yao, Shao-Ji article 說明頁(1170)
2013.11 Emily Dickinson`s Asian Consumption 許立欣、Hsu, Li-hsin article 說明頁(1160)
2013.09 廣東與臺灣饒平客家話兩字組變調分析與比較 蕭宇超Hsiao, E. Yu-Chau article pdf(1165)
2013.06 韓語推測情態的用法與中文情態詞翻譯的對應問題 郭秋雯 article pdf(1316)
2013.08 Neoliberalism and Popular Women`s Culture: Rethinking Choice and Agency Chen, Eva陳音頤 article pdf(1096)
2012.1 T.S. Eliot``s Virtual Europe: The Flaneur and the Textual Flanerie 楊麗敏Yang, Carol L. article 說明頁(1493)
2011.06 Women, Labor and Technology in the Late Victorian Age: Typewriting in George Gissing’s The Odd Women and Grant Allen’s The Type-writer Girl 陳音頤Chen, Eva Yin-I article 說明頁(1307)
2013.04 The Influence of Cultural Universality and Specificity on EFL Learners’ Comprehension of Metaphor and Metonymy 陳怡蓁、賴惠玲、Chen, Yi-chen 、 Lai, Huei-ling article pdf(1406)
2013.07 從騙術到藝術──論納博科夫小說《絕望》的敘事策略 鄢定嘉Yen, Ting-chia article pdf(1167)
2013.12 Positional and grammatical variations of time words in Takivatan Bunun 戴智偉、De Busser, Rik article pdf(1196)
2012.12 習慣領域、大腦研究與語言學習 蔣宜卿、Chiang, Nonie I-Chin article pdf(927)
2013.11 Fashioning the Cosmopolitan Girl: Sartorial Display and Technologies of Femininity in the Chinese Bestseller Du Lala 陳音頤 article 說明頁(1369)
2013-08 我國大學英語畢業門檻政策之檢討 何萬順、周祝瑛、蘇紹雯、蔣侃學、陳郁萱、Her, One-Soon Chou, Chuing Prudence 、 Su, Shao-Wen 、 Chiang, Kan-Hsueh 、 Chen, Yu-Hsuan article pdf(1393)
2013.09 在韓文化中找茶: 韓半島茶文化史的研究 黃弘之Hwang, Hong-Chih article pdf(1264)
2012.06 「他+自」複合動詞的派生條件 王淑琴、Wang, Shu-Chin article pdf(1020)
2011.08 Toast Master Club Experience as Affordance for Autonomous EFL Learners 招靜琪Chao, Chin-Chi article pdf(887)
2012.01 在「我可以有一件襯衫」之後:論生命政治的失能與裸命的大能 邱彥彬、Chiou, Yen-Bin article pdf(805)
2013 THE NCCU CORPUS OF SPOKEN CHINESE: MANDARIN, HAKKA, AND SOUTHERN MIN Chui, Kawai 、 Lai, Huei-ling、徐嘉慧、賴慧玲 article pdf(1211)
2013.11 Bilateral account of multimodal grounding of meaning Chui, Kawai、徐嘉慧 article pdf(1346)
2012.12 The pragmatic function of self/other reference in Mandarin child language Huang, Chiung-chih黃瓊之 article pdf(1284)
2012.03 Parental other-repetition in Mandarin parent-child interaction 黃瓊之Huang, Chiung-chih article pdf(1260)
2012.05 Referential choice and informativeness in mother-child conversation: A focus on the mother 黃瓊之Huang, Chiung-chih article pdf(991)
2013.06 渥坦貝克《解剖新義》中的激情游牧者 楊麗敏 article 說明頁(694)
2013.12 主婦偵探-談達里雅‧東佐娃的諷刺偵探小說 江慧婉Chiang, Hui-Wan article 說明頁(1633)