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dc.contributor.advisorWang, Mei-Lingen_US
dc.contributor.authorTsai, Hsin-Jungen_US
dc.creatorTsai, Hsin-Jungen_US
dc.description.abstractThis study focuses on the development of bibliotherapeutic services in public libraries, and has four research purposes: (1) To explore the promotion and effectiveness of bibliotherapeutic services in public libraries, and to describe its development. (2) To explore the selection and application of emotional healing picture books in the interactive bibliotherapeutic services of public libraries. (3) To explore the reader composition and to collect their feedback from the interactive bibliotherapeutic services of public libraries.(4) To explore the difficulties and challenges faced by the public libraries` bibliotherapeutic services and to make suggestions.\nThis study mainly uses case study method, and collects the data through in-depth interview and sub-data analysis. There are 8 respondents consisting of librarians, lecturers of Luye Library and the readers participated in the interactive bibliotherapeutic services. Furthermore, the secondary information analyzed in this study is based on the official documents provided by Luye Library and includes the proposals and the execution record of healing reading classes over the years.\nThis study reaches the following conclusions: Firstly, Luye Library provides developmental bibliotherapeutic services, and its main promotion channels includes: (1) oral introduction of librarians. (2) the interpersonal influence of the lecturers or readers. (3) social media. (4) the emotional healing picture books exhibitions. Through these channels, more and more readers know the bibliotherapeutic services of Luye Library and start to get interested in picture books reading. Secondly, the picture books used of healing reading classes are mainly selected by lecturers according to the topic, the needs of the readers, the requirements of Luye library, the news, and the characteristics of the picture books, with reference to the annotated bibliography of emotional healing picture books of all ages. As for the application of the picture books, they are mainly used for co-reading, and there are some extended activities related to the theme of the picture books as well, such as: painting, crafts and so on. Thirdly, the readership of healing reading classes can be divided into children and older adults, among which the participation of the older adults is more active and stable. For the healing in the classes, the greatest healing for the class comes from the interpersonal part, and the role of the lecturer is particularly critical. She is not only the soul of the whole classes but also the person who gives readers a strong incentive to continue to participate in the healing reading classes.\nFinally, this study puts forward the following five suggestions for the future development of Luye library’s bibliotherapeutic services : (1) To launch exclusive emotional healing activities for readers of different ages, and actively develop a variety of readers who may be interested in bibliotherapeutic services. (2) To find and retain some active and enthusiastic readers from healing reading classes, and organize a team made up of librarians, lecturers and those students to pomote bibliotherapeutic services. (3) To Increase the session of healing reading classes, and add spring, summer and autumn classes, so that the content of the classes has more possibilities for development. (4) To strengthen the interactive component in the interactive bibliotherapeutic services. (5) To strengthen the artistic color of the interactive bibliotherapeutic services and develop it into the exclusive feature of the Luye Library.\nIn addition, for future studies, this study also puts forward the following five recommendations: (1) To increase the number of interviewees, taking their age, background diversity into account. (2) To study other county and city public libraries’ bibliotherapeutic services, and compare with Luye Library. (3) To study the bibliotherapeutic services of non-public libraries and compare them with the similarity of public libraries` bibliotherapeutic services. (4) To explore the possibility of using the development mode of Luye Library’s bibliotherapeutic services in other counties and cities and types of libraries. (5) To explore the selection and application of emotional healing material other than the picture books.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents表目次 iii\n圖目次 iv\n第一章 緒論 1\n第一節 研究動機 1\n第二節 研究目的 4\n第三節 研究問題 4\n第四節 名詞解釋 5\n第二章 文獻探討 7\n第一節 書目療法理論 7\n第二節 情緒療癒繪本素材及其挑選 13\n第三節 公共圖書館書目療法服務 20\n第三章 研究方法與實施 27\n第一節 研究範圍與限制 27\n第二節 研究設計 28\n第三節 研究方法 30\n第四節 研究個案簡介 33\n第五節 研究工具 34\n第六節 資料蒐集與分析 39\n第七節 研究實施步驟 42\n第四章 研究結果分析 45\n第一節 基本資料與鹿野圖書館書目療法服務實施 45\n第二節 館員與鹿野圖書館書目療法服務 52\n第三節 講師與鹿野圖書館書目療法服務 61\n第四節 讀者參與鹿野圖書館書目療法服務 87\n第五節 綜合討論 97\n第五章 結論與建議 105\n第一節 結論 105\n第二節 建議 107\n參考文獻 111\n附錄一 知情同意書 124\n附錄二 施行者訪談大綱 125\n附錄三 施行對象訪談大綱 126\n附錄四 各年齡之情緒療癒繪本解題書目清單 127zh_TW
dc.format.extent5164671 bytes-
dc.subjectLuye libraryen_US
dc.subjectBibliotherapeutic servicesen_US
dc.subjectPicture booksen_US
dc.subjectAnnotated bibliography of emotional healing picture booksen_US
dc.titleA Study on the Application of Emotional Healing Picture Books in the Bibliotherapeutic Services for Public Libraries:The Case of Luye Township Libraryen_US
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