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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 374
28-Jul-2021公民審議與民主倫理性—論哈伯瑪斯民主理論的黑格爾式的奠基林遠澤; Lin, Yuan-ze
20-May-2021Ritual and Shame in Pre-Qin Confucian Thought王華; Wang, Ellie Hua
20-May-2021Xunzi and Hume on Moral Judgment王華; Wang, Ellie Hua
20-May-2021Jing in Early Confucian Thought王華; Wang, Ellie Hua
20-May-2021Xunzi`s Contribution to Chinese Humanism王華; Wang, Ellie Hua
20-May-2021儒家倫理及其21世紀新意義林遠澤; Lin, Yuan-Ze
20-May-2021內在語言形式與文化類型學差異的語言世界基礎林遠澤; Lin, Yuan-Ze
20-May-2021西方現代性危機與21世紀新儒學的建構林遠澤; Lin, Yuan-Ze
20-May-2021Ganzheit, Subjektivität, Praktiken: Iris Murdoch zwischen Wittgenstein und Platon馬愷之; Marchal, Kai
20-May-2021Landscape and Character: Some Thoughts on Zhao Mengfu (1254-1322)馬愷之; Marchal, Kai
20-May-2021Externalism, Self-Knowledge, and Rationality謝昭銳; Tse, Plato
20-May-2021Moral Extension and Human Vocation in Fichte and Confucianism謝昭銳; Tse, Plato
20-May-2021Transcendental Idealism in Transcendental Argument謝昭銳; Tse, Plato
20-May-2021Understanding of Man in Western and Eastern Cultural Traditions蔡偉鼎; Tsai, Wei-Ding; Liu, Yu-Chao; Chistyakova, Olga
5-Oct-2020Exemplary language in Western and Eastern: An investigation of Chinese narrative subjectivity in view of Ricoeur’s research of narrative汪文聖; Wang, Wen-Sheng
5-Oct-2020The Universal Ethics and Religion in Practical Life: Under Husserl`s Consideration of the Borderline Problem (Grenzproblem)汪文聖; Wang, Wen-Sheng
5-Oct-2020To understand Heidegger via Ricoeur汪文聖; Wang, Wen-Sheng
5-Oct-2020呂格爾敘事理論的實務應用汪文聖; Wang, Wen-Sheng
5-Oct-2020談中西範例性語言的主體性:從呂格爾(利科)的敘事研究來看汪文聖; Wang, Wen-Sheng
5-Oct-2020從馮特的語言身體姿態起源論論漢字思維的可表達性問題林遠澤; Lin, Yuan-ze
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 374