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題名 台灣身心障礙基督徒之教會參與: 以視障者之經驗為例
Church Participation of Christians with Disabilities in Taiwan: The experience of the People with Visual Impairment as Example
作者 王錦心
Wang, Chin-Hsin
貢獻者 邱炫元
Chiou, Syuan-Yuan
Wang, Chin-Hsin
關鍵詞 宗教社會學
Sociology of religion
Disability study
the Limit Model
Christians with blind/visually impairment
Church participation
日期 2022
上傳時間 2-Sep-2022 15:25:31 (UTC+8)
摘要 本論文採用宗教社會學的視角以及「有限模式」的障礙研究探討台灣視障基督徒的教會參與困難、基督教會面對視障信徒的應變以及基督教會對他們的服務帶給台灣社會的啟發。本論文調查的團體包含「新北市召會四十七會所」、「台灣基督教長老教會和平教會」、「基督教台灣信義會聖恩堂」、「天主教輔仁大學淨心堂」與「基督教城光教會」等5間沒有視障事工的教會以及1間有視障視工的教會「台灣基督教長老教會雙連教會」,另有教會機構「伊甸社會福利基金會喜樂傳播中心」。本論文的受訪者總共18人,分別為11名視障信徒、4名視障牧者以及3位明眼牧者。不論這些受訪視障信徒與視障牧者出身於基督徒家庭與否,他們的教會參與動機往往在於感受到人生的「苦難」。儘管這些視障信徒於移動能力、控制環境能力的限制都會造成基督教會參與的困難,但這些可由他們的人際網絡來降低;再者,由於基督教會對聲音的重視,加上這些視障基督徒於聽覺和口語的訓練,以及適當的輔助科技,他們得以將聲音化為這座場域內的能動性。另一方面,本論文也發現,當教會團體成立視障事工,舉凡「盲人合唱團」,點字會於其中塑造出一種「盲文化」,並由特殊學校作為這般文化複製的助力。更重要的是,透過視障輔具,這些視障基督徒研讀基督宗教經典《聖經》可以得到自我的超克,進而成為持續參與教會及至社會的動力。同時,教會團體服務身心障礙者能逐漸化解台灣社會大眾對「障礙」的成見。
This study adopts the perspective of sociology of religion and “the limit model” of disability study to investigate the difficulties of Christians with blindness/visual impairment participating in churches in Taiwan, the relevant arrangement from churches, as well as what inspiration from the churches’ services to them can bring to Taiwan’s society. The investigated groups in the thesis contains 5 churches without ministries for the blind, such as “the 47th Assembly in New Taipei City”, “Hoping Church of Taiwan’s Presbyterian Church”, “Sancta Gratia Lutheran Church”, “Fu Jen Catholic University Parish” as well as “Christian City of Light Church”; and a church with ministries for the blind, Shuanglian Church of Taiwan’s Presbyterian Church. In addition, the writer also investigated the church institute, “Joy Communication Center of Eden Social Welfare Foundation”. In this study are 18 interviewees in total: 11 Christians with blindness/visual impairment, 4 preachers with blindness/visual impairment as well as 3 pastors with discerning eyes. Whether the interviewees were born in Christian families or not, their motivation to participate in churches is frequently to find “suffering” in their lives. The difficulties of the interviewees with blindness/visual impairment participating in churches are from their limitations in the ability to get about and in the control of the environment; nonetheless, these difficulties can be reduced through their personal network. Furthermore, these Christians with blindness/visual impairment are able to turn the limitations into agency in this field by the training of their auditory sense and oral expression plus appropriate assistive resources, because voice is emphasized in churches. On the other hand, this thesis finds that braille forms such a “culture of the blind”, which can be reproduced through special schools, when ministries for the blind are set in church groups, for instance “choirs for the blind”. Most importantly, by the assistive technology for the people with blindness/visual impairment, the interviewees are capable of reading the Bible to achieve self-overcoming, which becomes dynamics for them to maintain participating in church and society. Meanwhile, the churches’ services to the people with disabilities can gradually solve the prejudice of “disabilities” from social majority in Taiwan.
參考文獻 王維菁、楊榮宗、潘淑滿、張恆豪,2018,〈媒介他者的正名政治:身心障礙與同志族群比較研究〉。《傳播與社會學刊》(44): 49~83。
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描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107254013
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 邱炫元zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Chiou, Syuan-Yuanen_US
dc.contributor.author (Authors) 王錦心zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (Authors) Wang, Chin-Hsinen_US
dc.creator (作者) 王錦心zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Wang, Chin-Hsinen_US
dc.date (日期) 2022en_US
dc.date.accessioned 2-Sep-2022 15:25:31 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 2-Sep-2022 15:25:31 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 2-Sep-2022 15:25:31 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0107254013en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/141736-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 社會學系zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 107254013zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本論文採用宗教社會學的視角以及「有限模式」的障礙研究探討台灣視障基督徒的教會參與困難、基督教會面對視障信徒的應變以及基督教會對他們的服務帶給台灣社會的啟發。本論文調查的團體包含「新北市召會四十七會所」、「台灣基督教長老教會和平教會」、「基督教台灣信義會聖恩堂」、「天主教輔仁大學淨心堂」與「基督教城光教會」等5間沒有視障事工的教會以及1間有視障視工的教會「台灣基督教長老教會雙連教會」,另有教會機構「伊甸社會福利基金會喜樂傳播中心」。本論文的受訪者總共18人,分別為11名視障信徒、4名視障牧者以及3位明眼牧者。不論這些受訪視障信徒與視障牧者出身於基督徒家庭與否,他們的教會參與動機往往在於感受到人生的「苦難」。儘管這些視障信徒於移動能力、控制環境能力的限制都會造成基督教會參與的困難,但這些可由他們的人際網絡來降低;再者,由於基督教會對聲音的重視,加上這些視障基督徒於聽覺和口語的訓練,以及適當的輔助科技,他們得以將聲音化為這座場域內的能動性。另一方面,本論文也發現,當教會團體成立視障事工,舉凡「盲人合唱團」,點字會於其中塑造出一種「盲文化」,並由特殊學校作為這般文化複製的助力。更重要的是,透過視障輔具,這些視障基督徒研讀基督宗教經典《聖經》可以得到自我的超克,進而成為持續參與教會及至社會的動力。同時,教會團體服務身心障礙者能逐漸化解台灣社會大眾對「障礙」的成見。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) This study adopts the perspective of sociology of religion and “the limit model” of disability study to investigate the difficulties of Christians with blindness/visual impairment participating in churches in Taiwan, the relevant arrangement from churches, as well as what inspiration from the churches’ services to them can bring to Taiwan’s society. The investigated groups in the thesis contains 5 churches without ministries for the blind, such as “the 47th Assembly in New Taipei City”, “Hoping Church of Taiwan’s Presbyterian Church”, “Sancta Gratia Lutheran Church”, “Fu Jen Catholic University Parish” as well as “Christian City of Light Church”; and a church with ministries for the blind, Shuanglian Church of Taiwan’s Presbyterian Church. In addition, the writer also investigated the church institute, “Joy Communication Center of Eden Social Welfare Foundation”. In this study are 18 interviewees in total: 11 Christians with blindness/visual impairment, 4 preachers with blindness/visual impairment as well as 3 pastors with discerning eyes. Whether the interviewees were born in Christian families or not, their motivation to participate in churches is frequently to find “suffering” in their lives. The difficulties of the interviewees with blindness/visual impairment participating in churches are from their limitations in the ability to get about and in the control of the environment; nonetheless, these difficulties can be reduced through their personal network. Furthermore, these Christians with blindness/visual impairment are able to turn the limitations into agency in this field by the training of their auditory sense and oral expression plus appropriate assistive resources, because voice is emphasized in churches. On the other hand, this thesis finds that braille forms such a “culture of the blind”, which can be reproduced through special schools, when ministries for the blind are set in church groups, for instance “choirs for the blind”. Most importantly, by the assistive technology for the people with blindness/visual impairment, the interviewees are capable of reading the Bible to achieve self-overcoming, which becomes dynamics for them to maintain participating in church and society. Meanwhile, the churches’ services to the people with disabilities can gradually solve the prejudice of “disabilities” from social majority in Taiwan.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1
第一節 前言 1
第二節 基督宗教社群對身心障礙者待遇的歷史變遷 2
一、基督宗教的起源與身心障礙者 2
二、台灣基督教會的發展與身心障礙 6
第三節 分析向度 9
一、身心障礙與苦難 10
二、視障者的經典識讀 11
三、視障者於基督教會的展演 13
第四節 文獻回顧 14
一、當代基督教會與身心障礙者 14
二、身體、障礙與社會 19
第五節 研究設計與問題意識 24
第六節 章節架構 25
第七節 研究預期 26
第二章 初臨教會 28
第一節 前言 28
第二節 家庭與信仰歷程 29
一、世代信徒家庭的受訪者 29
二、非世代信徒家庭的受訪者 31
第三節 上教堂 41
一、教會的區位與空間 41
二、培養「慣習」 45
第四節 小結 50
第三章 教會的接待 52
第一節 前言 52
第二節 沒有視障事工的教會 53
一、當盲人親近明眼人 53
二、當聲音成為「能動性」 60
第三節 有視障事工的教會 68
一、點字與「盲文化」 68
二、「盲文化」之下的「同溫層」 75
第四節 小結 80
第四章 成為「殘缺的」健壯 82
第一節 前言 82
第二節 回首教會內的展演 83
一、當局者的「行動」 83
二、「能力」定位存在乎? 85
第三節 聖經研讀與「醫治」 88
一、面對「障礙」 88
二、經歷「醫治」 97
第四節 以「殘缺的」健壯重新啟程 103
一、「教化」與扶持 103
二、迎接高齡化社會 109
第五節 小結 113
第五章 結論 116
第一節 研究發現 116
第二節 研究限制與展望 122
參考文獻 124
附錄一 受訪者的基本資料 129
附錄二 視障基督徒的訪談大綱 130
附錄三 教會牧者的訪談大綱 131
附錄四 受訪視障牧者L的信仰歷程完整版 132
dc.format.extent 2273170 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107254013en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 宗教社會學zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 障礙研究zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 有限模式zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 視障基督徒zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 教會參與zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Sociology of religionen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Disability studyen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) the Limit Modelen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Christians with blind/visually impairmenten_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Church participationen_US
dc.title (題名) 台灣身心障礙基督徒之教會參與: 以視障者之經驗為例zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Church Participation of Christians with Disabilities in Taiwan: The experience of the People with Visual Impairment as Exampleen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 王維菁、楊榮宗、潘淑滿、張恆豪,2018,〈媒介他者的正名政治:身心障礙與同志族群比較研究〉。《傳播與社會學刊》(44): 49~83。
邱大昕,2018,〈臺灣盲人教會與福利之先趨—廖旺(1890-1971)〉,《神學與教會》43(1): 201~213。
邱大昕,2012,〈台灣早期視障教育之歷史社會學研究(1891-1973)〉,《教育與社會研究》(24): 1~40。
周月清、張恆豪、李慶真、詹穆彥,2015,〈聯合國國際衛生組織ICF緣起與精神:文獻檢視〉。《社區發展季刊》(150): 17~39。
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dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.6814/NCCU202201482en_US