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題名 盧梭與尼采:文化病理學的視野
Rousseau and Nietzsche: In the Horizon of Cultural Pathology
作者 賴傳升
Lai, Chuan-Sheng
貢獻者 葉浩
Yeh, Hao
Lai, Chuan-Sheng
關鍵詞 盧梭
Cultural Pathology
Medical Humanities
日期 2023
上傳時間 9-Mar-2023 18:41:58 (UTC+8)
摘要 本文欲在政治思想史的意義下,以文化病理學的框架去比較盧梭與尼采的文本與觀點,補充思想史在身心與文化連結的論述中所佔據的關鍵缺角。筆者將首先勾勒以病理學重構思想史之脈絡、說明本文的關懷與定位,並在正式章節中透過疾病觀的擴充以及社會病理學的框架拉開本文的比較架構(病徵、病因與處方),再以這三個主題疏理盧梭與尼采的文本與觀點。
筆者認為盧梭與尼采的形象一反Leo Strauss的現代性先驅之觀點,應為批判現代性的文化醫生先驅。兩者在許多社會問題的剖析上都有相似且深刻的著眼點,認為現代性的病徵表現在對人類真實生命的束縛,並且閹割人類的感知與本能。欲尋找病因,則需透過認識人類自身的關鍵──心理推演的方法,去尋找人類處境中的偶然性起源。在處方上,儘管藥方的內容有所不同,兩者都有從個體層次的洗禮談到集體治療的面向論及健康文化的打造。
This article intends to compare the viewpoints of Rousseau and Nietzsche within the framework of cultural pathology. The purpose is to make supplement on the critical gap as a piece of puzzle in the history of political thought in the discussion of the connection between body, mind and culture. The author will first outline the blueprint of this reconstructed line, explaining the concern and position of this article. In the formal chapters, it will begin with expensing the concept of disease and organizing the context of social pathology, developing the structure of this article which is to compare Rousseau and Nietzsche through the themes of symptoms, etiology and prescription.
The author argues that the images of Rousseau and Nietzsche are contrary to the views of Strauss’s (pioneers of modernity), but should be the pioneers of cultural doctors who criticize modernity. The two have similar focus on the analysis of society. They believed that the modernity manifested the restraint of human life, has reversed the human perception which become the obstacle for us to live a real life. To observe the cause, they both used psychological analysis to dig the real origin of ourselves, which human condition is non-linear and coincidental. Speaking of prescriptions, both mentioned the dimensions from the creating oneself to building healthy culture.
Through the comparison we can see how Rousseau and Nietzsche reflect to each other, and Rousseau`s view of life has also gained more space for supplementation and in-depth discussion. The author believes that the research frameworks of the two not only have great significance and reference value in social pathology, but also having grafting value in the medical humanities and anthropology.
參考文獻 英文部分:
Ahern, Daniel. R. (1995). Nietzsche as Cultural Physician. Penn State University Press.
Ansell-Pearson, Keith. (1991). Nietzsche Contra Rousseau: A Study of Nietzsche’s Moral and Political Thought. Cambridge University Press.
Armstrong, Karen. (2010). The Case for God: What Religion Really Means. Vintage
Baker, G. and Hacker, P. (2005). Wittgenstein: Understanding and Meaning (Volume 1 of an analytical commentary on the Philosophical Investigations, Part 1: the essays. 2nd Edition., extensively revised by P. Hacker.). Blackwell.
Berry, Jessica. N. (2018). The Will to a System: Nietzsche on Philosophy as Psychopathology.” In Paul Katsafanas (Ed.), The Nietzschean mind (pp. 395-412). Routledge.
Dent, Nicholas. (2005). Rousseau. Routledge.
Foucault, Michel. (1984). The Foucault Reader (Paul Rabinow, Ed.). Pantheon Books.
Franco, Paul. (2021). Rousseau, Nietzsche, and the Image of the Human. University of Chicago Press.
Freud, Sigmund. (1922). Group Psychology and The Analysis of Ego (James Strachey, Trans.). The International Psycho-Analytical Press.
Frose, Katrine. (2002). Rousseau and Nietzsche: Towards Aesthetic Morality. Lexington Books.
Glad, C. E. (1995). Paul and Philodemus: Adaptability in Epicurean and Early Christian Psychagogy. E.J. Brill.
Hofmann, Bjørn Morten. (2017). Disease, Illness, and Sickness. In Miriam Solomon, Jeremy R. Simon, and Harold Kincaid (Eds.), The Routledge companion to philosophy of medicine (pp. 16-26). Routledge.
Ioan, Razvan. (2019). The Body in Spinoza and Nietzsche. Palgrave Macmillan.
Kleinman, Arthur. (2020). Illness Narratives: Suffering, Healing, and the Human Condition. Basic Books.
Kolbet, Paul R. (2009). Augustine and The Cure of Souls: Revising a Classical Ideal. Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press.
Magnus, Bernd. (1983). Perfectibility and Attitude in Nietzsche`s Übermensch. The Review of Metaphysics. 36(3), 633-659.
Mitchell, Richard N. (2015). Robbins and Cotran pathologic basis of disease (Vinay Kumar, Abul K. Abbas, Jon C. Aster, Eds., with illustrations by James A. Perkins.). Elsevier Saunders.
Neuhouser, Frederick. (2018). Nietzsche on Spiritual Health and Cultural Pathology. In Katsafanas (Ed.), The Nietzschean Mind (pp. 334-347). Routledge.
Neuhouser, Frederick. (2022). Diagnosing social pathology: Rousseau, Hegel, Marx, and Durkheim. Cambridge University Press.
Nietzsche, Friedrich. (1997). Ultimely Meditation (R. J. Hollingdale, Trans., Daniel Breazeale, Ed.). BY Cambridge University Press.
Nietzsche, Friedrich. (1998). Philosophy in the Tragic Age of the Greek (Marianne Cowan, Trans.). Regenery Publishing.
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. (1979). Emiles: or On Education (Allan Bloom, Trans.). Basic Books.
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. (1993). Discourse on the Origins of Inequality (Second Discourse), Polemics, and Political Economy (Judith R. Bush, Roger D. Masters, Christopher Kelly and Terance Marshall, Trans., Roger D. Masters and Christopher Kelly, Eds.). University Press of New England.
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. (2014). The Social Contract & Discourses [ebook version] (G. D. H. Cole, Trans.). Retrieved from www.gutenberg.org
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. (2004). Reveries of The Solitary Walker (Peter France, Trans.). Penguin Group.
Sisti, Dominic and Caplan, A. (2017). The Concept of Disease. In Miriam Solomon, Jeremy R. Simon, and Harold Kincaid (Eds.), The Routledge companion to philosophy of medicine (pp. 5-15). Routledge.
Small, Robin. (2010). Time and Becoming in Nietzsche’s Thought. Continuum.
Strauss, Leo. (1998). The Three Waves of Modernity. In Hilail Gildin (Ed.), An Introduction to Political Philosophy: Ten Essays (pp. 81-98). Wayne State University Press.

Bergson, H.(2020)。創造的進化論(陳聖生譯)。五南圖書出版。(原著出版於1907年)
Inwood, Michael(2016)。海德格爾(劉華文譯)。Oxford University Press (China)。(原著出版於2002年)
Jung, Carl G.(2010)。人及其象徵:榮格思想精華(龔卓軍譯)。立緒文化。(原著出版於1964年)
Kundera, Milan.(2015)。小說的藝術(尉遲秀譯)。皇冠文化。(原著出版於1986年)
Kundera, Milan.(2018)。生命不可承受之輕(蔚遲秀譯)。皇冠文化。(原著出版於1984年)
Latour, Bruno(2012)。我們從未現代過(余曉嵐、林文源、許全義譯)。群學。(原著出版於1991年)
Mark Jackson(2016)。醫學,為什麼是現在這個樣子?(王惟芬譯)。臉譜。(原著出版於2015年)
Nietzsche, Friedrich(2014a)。論我們教育機構的未來(周國平譯)。鳳凰、譯林。(原著出版於1999年)。
Nietzsche, Friedrich(2014b)。查拉圖斯特拉如是說(錢春綺譯)。大家出版。(原著出版於1984年)
Nietzsche, Friedrich(2015)。善惡的彼岸:一個未來哲學的序曲(趙千帆譯)。大家出版。(原著出版於1988年)
Nietzsche, Friedrich(2017a)。悲劇的誕生(安婕工作室譯)。信實文化行銷。(原著出版於1872年)
Nietzsche, Friedrich(2017b)。論道德的系譜:一本論戰著作(趙千帆譯)。大家出版。(原著出版於1988年)
Nietzsche, Friedrich(2018)。瞧,這個人──人如何成其所是(孫周興譯)。大家出版。(原著出版於1988年)
Nietzsche, Friedrich(2019)。偶像的黃昏(衛茂平譯)。五南。(原著出版於1888年)
Nietzsche, Friedrich(2021)。朝霞(田立年譯)。上海文化。(原著出版於1881年)
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques(2015)。德行墮落與不平等的起源(苑舉正譯)。聯經。(原著出版於1755年)
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques(2013)。愛彌爾(魏肇基譯)。臺灣商務。(原著出版於1762年)
Safranski, Rüdiger(2018)。時間之書(林宏濤譯)。商周出版。(原著出版於2015年)
St. Augustine(2017,11版)。懺悔錄(吳應楓譯)。光啟文化。(原著出版於1925年)
Sontag, Susan (2012)。疾病的隱喻(程崴譯)。麥田出版。(原著出版於1988年)
Tolstoy, Leo(2018)。伊凡.伊里奇之死(魏岑芳譯)。漫遊者文化事業股份有限公司。(原著出版於1886年)
描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107252020
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 葉浩zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Yeh, Haoen_US
dc.contributor.author (Authors) 賴傳升zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (Authors) Lai, Chuan-Shengen_US
dc.creator (作者) 賴傳升zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Lai, Chuan-Shengen_US
dc.date (日期) 2023en_US
dc.date.accessioned 9-Mar-2023 18:41:58 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 9-Mar-2023 18:41:58 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 9-Mar-2023 18:41:58 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0107252020en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/143856-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 政治學系zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 107252020zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本文欲在政治思想史的意義下,以文化病理學的框架去比較盧梭與尼采的文本與觀點,補充思想史在身心與文化連結的論述中所佔據的關鍵缺角。筆者將首先勾勒以病理學重構思想史之脈絡、說明本文的關懷與定位,並在正式章節中透過疾病觀的擴充以及社會病理學的框架拉開本文的比較架構(病徵、病因與處方),再以這三個主題疏理盧梭與尼采的文本與觀點。
筆者認為盧梭與尼采的形象一反Leo Strauss的現代性先驅之觀點,應為批判現代性的文化醫生先驅。兩者在許多社會問題的剖析上都有相似且深刻的著眼點,認為現代性的病徵表現在對人類真實生命的束縛,並且閹割人類的感知與本能。欲尋找病因,則需透過認識人類自身的關鍵──心理推演的方法,去尋找人類處境中的偶然性起源。在處方上,儘管藥方的內容有所不同,兩者都有從個體層次的洗禮談到集體治療的面向論及健康文化的打造。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) This article intends to compare the viewpoints of Rousseau and Nietzsche within the framework of cultural pathology. The purpose is to make supplement on the critical gap as a piece of puzzle in the history of political thought in the discussion of the connection between body, mind and culture. The author will first outline the blueprint of this reconstructed line, explaining the concern and position of this article. In the formal chapters, it will begin with expensing the concept of disease and organizing the context of social pathology, developing the structure of this article which is to compare Rousseau and Nietzsche through the themes of symptoms, etiology and prescription.
The author argues that the images of Rousseau and Nietzsche are contrary to the views of Strauss’s (pioneers of modernity), but should be the pioneers of cultural doctors who criticize modernity. The two have similar focus on the analysis of society. They believed that the modernity manifested the restraint of human life, has reversed the human perception which become the obstacle for us to live a real life. To observe the cause, they both used psychological analysis to dig the real origin of ourselves, which human condition is non-linear and coincidental. Speaking of prescriptions, both mentioned the dimensions from the creating oneself to building healthy culture.
Through the comparison we can see how Rousseau and Nietzsche reflect to each other, and Rousseau`s view of life has also gained more space for supplementation and in-depth discussion. The author believes that the research frameworks of the two not only have great significance and reference value in social pathology, but also having grafting value in the medical humanities and anthropology.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與問題意識 1
第二節 文獻回顧 4
第三節 研究架構與章節安排 13
第二章 疾病觀、病識感、社會的疾病 14
第一節 疾病意義的擴增 15
第二節 社會病理學的脈絡 20
第三章 病徵-現代性的問題 24
第一節 生命的鐐銬 25
第二節 真正的哲學─身心的內外反摺 31
第四章 病因-心理學分析 39
第一節 現實與歷史的投射──論系譜學的關懷 40
第二節 兩個心理劇場的分析 45
第五章 處方-成為新的自己 53
第一節 新的自我─集體治療與思想膏藥 54
第二節 論文化康復 64
第六章 結論 70
參考文獻 74
dc.format.extent 2135725 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107252020en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 盧梭zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 尼采zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 文化病理學zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 生命政治zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 人文醫學zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Rousseauen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Nietzscheen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Cultural Pathologyen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Biopoliticsen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Medical Humanitiesen_US
dc.title (題名) 盧梭與尼采:文化病理學的視野zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Rousseau and Nietzsche: In the Horizon of Cultural Pathologyen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 英文部分:
Ahern, Daniel. R. (1995). Nietzsche as Cultural Physician. Penn State University Press.
Ansell-Pearson, Keith. (1991). Nietzsche Contra Rousseau: A Study of Nietzsche’s Moral and Political Thought. Cambridge University Press.
Armstrong, Karen. (2010). The Case for God: What Religion Really Means. Vintage
Baker, G. and Hacker, P. (2005). Wittgenstein: Understanding and Meaning (Volume 1 of an analytical commentary on the Philosophical Investigations, Part 1: the essays. 2nd Edition., extensively revised by P. Hacker.). Blackwell.
Berry, Jessica. N. (2018). The Will to a System: Nietzsche on Philosophy as Psychopathology.” In Paul Katsafanas (Ed.), The Nietzschean mind (pp. 395-412). Routledge.
Dent, Nicholas. (2005). Rousseau. Routledge.
Foucault, Michel. (1984). The Foucault Reader (Paul Rabinow, Ed.). Pantheon Books.
Franco, Paul. (2021). Rousseau, Nietzsche, and the Image of the Human. University of Chicago Press.
Freud, Sigmund. (1922). Group Psychology and The Analysis of Ego (James Strachey, Trans.). The International Psycho-Analytical Press.
Frose, Katrine. (2002). Rousseau and Nietzsche: Towards Aesthetic Morality. Lexington Books.
Glad, C. E. (1995). Paul and Philodemus: Adaptability in Epicurean and Early Christian Psychagogy. E.J. Brill.
Hofmann, Bjørn Morten. (2017). Disease, Illness, and Sickness. In Miriam Solomon, Jeremy R. Simon, and Harold Kincaid (Eds.), The Routledge companion to philosophy of medicine (pp. 16-26). Routledge.
Ioan, Razvan. (2019). The Body in Spinoza and Nietzsche. Palgrave Macmillan.
Kleinman, Arthur. (2020). Illness Narratives: Suffering, Healing, and the Human Condition. Basic Books.
Kolbet, Paul R. (2009). Augustine and The Cure of Souls: Revising a Classical Ideal. Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press.
Magnus, Bernd. (1983). Perfectibility and Attitude in Nietzsche`s Übermensch. The Review of Metaphysics. 36(3), 633-659.
Mitchell, Richard N. (2015). Robbins and Cotran pathologic basis of disease (Vinay Kumar, Abul K. Abbas, Jon C. Aster, Eds., with illustrations by James A. Perkins.). Elsevier Saunders.
Neuhouser, Frederick. (2018). Nietzsche on Spiritual Health and Cultural Pathology. In Katsafanas (Ed.), The Nietzschean Mind (pp. 334-347). Routledge.
Neuhouser, Frederick. (2022). Diagnosing social pathology: Rousseau, Hegel, Marx, and Durkheim. Cambridge University Press.
Nietzsche, Friedrich. (1997). Ultimely Meditation (R. J. Hollingdale, Trans., Daniel Breazeale, Ed.). BY Cambridge University Press.
Nietzsche, Friedrich. (1998). Philosophy in the Tragic Age of the Greek (Marianne Cowan, Trans.). Regenery Publishing.
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. (1979). Emiles: or On Education (Allan Bloom, Trans.). Basic Books.
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. (1993). Discourse on the Origins of Inequality (Second Discourse), Polemics, and Political Economy (Judith R. Bush, Roger D. Masters, Christopher Kelly and Terance Marshall, Trans., Roger D. Masters and Christopher Kelly, Eds.). University Press of New England.
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. (2014). The Social Contract & Discourses [ebook version] (G. D. H. Cole, Trans.). Retrieved from www.gutenberg.org
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. (2004). Reveries of The Solitary Walker (Peter France, Trans.). Penguin Group.
Sisti, Dominic and Caplan, A. (2017). The Concept of Disease. In Miriam Solomon, Jeremy R. Simon, and Harold Kincaid (Eds.), The Routledge companion to philosophy of medicine (pp. 5-15). Routledge.
Small, Robin. (2010). Time and Becoming in Nietzsche’s Thought. Continuum.
Strauss, Leo. (1998). The Three Waves of Modernity. In Hilail Gildin (Ed.), An Introduction to Political Philosophy: Ten Essays (pp. 81-98). Wayne State University Press.

Bergson, H.(2020)。創造的進化論(陳聖生譯)。五南圖書出版。(原著出版於1907年)
Inwood, Michael(2016)。海德格爾(劉華文譯)。Oxford University Press (China)。(原著出版於2002年)
Jung, Carl G.(2010)。人及其象徵:榮格思想精華(龔卓軍譯)。立緒文化。(原著出版於1964年)
Kundera, Milan.(2015)。小說的藝術(尉遲秀譯)。皇冠文化。(原著出版於1986年)
Kundera, Milan.(2018)。生命不可承受之輕(蔚遲秀譯)。皇冠文化。(原著出版於1984年)
Latour, Bruno(2012)。我們從未現代過(余曉嵐、林文源、許全義譯)。群學。(原著出版於1991年)
Mark Jackson(2016)。醫學,為什麼是現在這個樣子?(王惟芬譯)。臉譜。(原著出版於2015年)
Nietzsche, Friedrich(2014a)。論我們教育機構的未來(周國平譯)。鳳凰、譯林。(原著出版於1999年)。
Nietzsche, Friedrich(2014b)。查拉圖斯特拉如是說(錢春綺譯)。大家出版。(原著出版於1984年)
Nietzsche, Friedrich(2015)。善惡的彼岸:一個未來哲學的序曲(趙千帆譯)。大家出版。(原著出版於1988年)
Nietzsche, Friedrich(2017a)。悲劇的誕生(安婕工作室譯)。信實文化行銷。(原著出版於1872年)
Nietzsche, Friedrich(2017b)。論道德的系譜:一本論戰著作(趙千帆譯)。大家出版。(原著出版於1988年)
Nietzsche, Friedrich(2018)。瞧,這個人──人如何成其所是(孫周興譯)。大家出版。(原著出版於1988年)
Nietzsche, Friedrich(2019)。偶像的黃昏(衛茂平譯)。五南。(原著出版於1888年)
Nietzsche, Friedrich(2021)。朝霞(田立年譯)。上海文化。(原著出版於1881年)
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques(2015)。德行墮落與不平等的起源(苑舉正譯)。聯經。(原著出版於1755年)
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques(2013)。愛彌爾(魏肇基譯)。臺灣商務。(原著出版於1762年)
Safranski, Rüdiger(2018)。時間之書(林宏濤譯)。商周出版。(原著出版於2015年)
St. Augustine(2017,11版)。懺悔錄(吳應楓譯)。光啟文化。(原著出版於1925年)
Sontag, Susan (2012)。疾病的隱喻(程崴譯)。麥田出版。(原著出版於1988年)
Tolstoy, Leo(2018)。伊凡.伊里奇之死(魏岑芳譯)。漫遊者文化事業股份有限公司。(原著出版於1886年)