
題名 我國幼托園所長教學領導知覺之相關性研究
A study on the awareness of instructional leadership by Taiwan`s preschool directors.
作者 張君如
Chang, Chun-Ju
貢獻者 簡楚瑛
Chien, Chu-Ying
Chang, Chun-Ju
關鍵詞 幼托園所
kindergarten and preschool
preschool directors
preschool teachers
instructional leadership
awareness of instructional leadership
日期 2006
上傳時間 17-Sep-2009 14:46:36 (UTC+8)
摘要 近年來國內對學前教育研究之焦點漸跳脫課程與教學、教師與幼兒等範疇,而對學前教育組織(幼稚園、托兒所)或組織領導者(園所長)的關切亦日趨重視,亦顯現園所長對幼兒園教學品質的關係。本研究旨在探討台灣幼托園所長教學領導知覺及其相關因素。本研究採問卷調查法進行資料蒐集,問卷調查對象以台灣北、中、南、東四區共計7539公私立園所之園所長與教師為母群體,採分層隨機抽樣方式進行,對園所長與教師分別發出754份問卷,園所長部份回收400份(回收率53.05%),教師部份回收395份(回收率52.38%)。研究工具乃依據De Bevois(1984)、Murphy(1990)、李安明(2001)、及McEwan(2003)之理論與架構為基礎,經專家審題及預試結果,修正發展成適於國內幼教領域使用之「幼托園所長教學領導問卷」。問卷回收後以SPSS 12.01套裝軟體進行資料分析。資料分析方法主要採敘述統計、信度分析、因素分析、t考驗、單因子變異數分析及薛費多重比較法,作為資料處理方法。本研究之主要發現如下:
一、 幼托園所長教學領導內涵包括五層面,包括:形成與傳遞園所教學目標、確保課程與教學品質、營造良好學習氣氛與工作環境、促進教師專業成長以及賦權教師。
二、 幼托園所長與教師對「幼托園所長教學領導」知覺程度皆非常高,且無差異。
三、 在幼托園所長部份,不同「年齡」、「服務年資」、「園所地區」、「園所性質」、「園所規模」者對「幼托園所長教學領導」知覺程度有所差異。
四、 在幼托園所教師部份,不同「園所性質」、「園所規模」之幼托園教師對「幼托園所長教學領導」知覺程度有所差異。
Recently, the research focus of early childhood education has gradually put more emphasis on preschool directors in Taiwan. Much research has shown that preschool directors play a key role in preschool quality, and that their leadership also has an impact on preschools. Some scholars had emphasized that preschool directors’ leadership consist of two parts: administration leadership and instructional leadership. Somehow, there was gradually more research on administration leadership, but still very few on preschool directors’ instructional leadership.

Therefore, the main purpose of this study was to understand the awareness of preschool directors’ instructional leadership between preschool directors themselves and preschool teachers in Taiwan. In addition, the study was also done to identify the background factors that would influence directors’ and teachers’ awareness of directors’ instructional leadership.

This study was executed using a questionnaire survey. A sample population of 754 public and private preschool directors, along with 754 teachers, participated using the survey tool, Preschool Directors’ Instructional Leadership Questionnaire, which was developed by researcher according to literature review. 400 questionnaires (effective return rate is 53.05%) were returned by directors, and 395 (effective return rate is 52.38%) by teachers.

This study reports four major findings:
(1) Preschool directors’ instructional leadership includes 5 dimensions:(a)To frame and communicate the school’s instructional goals; (b)To ensure learning and teaching quality; (c) To build a positive learning and working climate; (d) To promote teachers’ professional growth; (e) To delegate authority to teachers.
(2) Both preschool directors and teachers had very high-degree awareness of directors’ instructional leadership. And there was no difference between the directors’ and teachers’ awareness.
(3) Different age, working experience, school area, school type, and school scale have influenced preschool directors’ awareness of their instructional leadership.
(4) Different school type and scale have influenced preschool teachers’ awareness of directors’ instructional leadership.

Keywords: awareness of instructional leadership, preschool directors、preschool teachers、kindergarten and preschool
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描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0093157010
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 簡楚瑛zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Chien, Chu-Yingen_US
dc.contributor.author (Authors) 張君如zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (Authors) Chang, Chun-Juen_US
dc.creator (作者) 張君如zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Chang, Chun-Juen_US
dc.date (日期) 2006en_US
dc.date.accessioned 17-Sep-2009 14:46:36 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 17-Sep-2009 14:46:36 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 17-Sep-2009 14:46:36 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0093157010en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/32883-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 幼兒教育所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 93157010zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 95zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 近年來國內對學前教育研究之焦點漸跳脫課程與教學、教師與幼兒等範疇,而對學前教育組織(幼稚園、托兒所)或組織領導者(園所長)的關切亦日趨重視,亦顯現園所長對幼兒園教學品質的關係。本研究旨在探討台灣幼托園所長教學領導知覺及其相關因素。本研究採問卷調查法進行資料蒐集,問卷調查對象以台灣北、中、南、東四區共計7539公私立園所之園所長與教師為母群體,採分層隨機抽樣方式進行,對園所長與教師分別發出754份問卷,園所長部份回收400份(回收率53.05%),教師部份回收395份(回收率52.38%)。研究工具乃依據De Bevois(1984)、Murphy(1990)、李安明(2001)、及McEwan(2003)之理論與架構為基礎,經專家審題及預試結果,修正發展成適於國內幼教領域使用之「幼托園所長教學領導問卷」。問卷回收後以SPSS 12.01套裝軟體進行資料分析。資料分析方法主要採敘述統計、信度分析、因素分析、t考驗、單因子變異數分析及薛費多重比較法,作為資料處理方法。本研究之主要發現如下:
一、 幼托園所長教學領導內涵包括五層面,包括:形成與傳遞園所教學目標、確保課程與教學品質、營造良好學習氣氛與工作環境、促進教師專業成長以及賦權教師。
二、 幼托園所長與教師對「幼托園所長教學領導」知覺程度皆非常高,且無差異。
三、 在幼托園所長部份,不同「年齡」、「服務年資」、「園所地區」、「園所性質」、「園所規模」者對「幼托園所長教學領導」知覺程度有所差異。
四、 在幼托園所教師部份,不同「園所性質」、「園所規模」之幼托園教師對「幼托園所長教學領導」知覺程度有所差異。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Recently, the research focus of early childhood education has gradually put more emphasis on preschool directors in Taiwan. Much research has shown that preschool directors play a key role in preschool quality, and that their leadership also has an impact on preschools. Some scholars had emphasized that preschool directors’ leadership consist of two parts: administration leadership and instructional leadership. Somehow, there was gradually more research on administration leadership, but still very few on preschool directors’ instructional leadership.

Therefore, the main purpose of this study was to understand the awareness of preschool directors’ instructional leadership between preschool directors themselves and preschool teachers in Taiwan. In addition, the study was also done to identify the background factors that would influence directors’ and teachers’ awareness of directors’ instructional leadership.

This study was executed using a questionnaire survey. A sample population of 754 public and private preschool directors, along with 754 teachers, participated using the survey tool, Preschool Directors’ Instructional Leadership Questionnaire, which was developed by researcher according to literature review. 400 questionnaires (effective return rate is 53.05%) were returned by directors, and 395 (effective return rate is 52.38%) by teachers.

This study reports four major findings:
(1) Preschool directors’ instructional leadership includes 5 dimensions:(a)To frame and communicate the school’s instructional goals; (b)To ensure learning and teaching quality; (c) To build a positive learning and working climate; (d) To promote teachers’ professional growth; (e) To delegate authority to teachers.
(2) Both preschool directors and teachers had very high-degree awareness of directors’ instructional leadership. And there was no difference between the directors’ and teachers’ awareness.
(3) Different age, working experience, school area, school type, and school scale have influenced preschool directors’ awareness of their instructional leadership.
(4) Different school type and scale have influenced preschool teachers’ awareness of directors’ instructional leadership.

Keywords: awareness of instructional leadership, preschool directors、preschool teachers、kindergarten and preschool
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論-----------------------------------------------1
第一節 研究動機-----------------------------------------1
第二節 研究目的與待答問題---------------------------------3
第三節 重要名詞釋義--------------------------------------3
第四節 研究範圍與限制------------------------------------4

第二章 文獻探討---------------------------------------------6
第一節 教學領導之定義與內涵--------------------------------7
一、 教學領導之定義-------------------------------------7
二、 教學領導之內涵-------------------------------------13
三、 幼托園所長教學領導內涵之分析-------------------------27
第二節 幼托園所長教學領導之相關研究-------------------------33
一、 國內研究-------------------------------------------33
二、 國外研究-------------------------------------------36
三、 教學領導相關研究分析探討----------------------------39
第三節 教學領導研究工具之討探------------------------------45

第三章 研究計與實施-----------------------------------------51
第一節 研究架構------------------------------------------51
第二節 研究方法------------------------------------------53
第三節 研究對象------------------------------------------54
第四節 研究工具------------------------------------------56
第五節 研究流程------------------------------------------67
第六節 資料處理與分析方法---------------------------------68

第四章 研究結果與討論---------------------------------------69
第一節 幼托園所長及教師對「幼托園所長教學領導」知覺之現況分析--69
第二節 不同變項之幼托園所長對「幼托園所長教學領導」知覺之差異情形-78
第三節 不同變項之幼托園教師對「幼托園所長教學領導」知覺之差異情形-87

第五章 結論、討論與建議-----------------------------------104
第一節 結論與討論----------------------------------------104
第二節 研究建議------------------------------------------105


附表 2-1-1 國內學者教學領導定義彙表-------------------------115
附表 2-1-2 國外學者教學領導定義彙表-------------------------116
附表 2-1-3 國內外學者對教學領導內涵面向分類彚整表-------------117
附表 2-2-1 國內教學領導相關研究彙整(依年代排序)--------------121
附表 2-2-2 國外教學領導相關研究彙整-------------------------123
附表 2-3-1 國內教學領導研究工具彙整表-----------------------125
附表 2-3-2 國外教學領導研究工具彙整表-----------------------127

附錄一 參與專家意見調查之專家學者名單-----------------------128
附錄二 專家意見調查問卷首頁信函-----------------------------129
附錄三 專家意見調查問卷------------------------------------130
附錄四 預試問卷-------------------------------------------137
附錄五 正式問卷調查首頁信函--------------------------------141
附錄五 正式問卷(園所長用)----------------------------------142
附錄六 正式問卷(教師用)-----------------------------------146

表 目 次
表 2-1-1 領導和管理之區別表-----------------------------------------7
表 3-3-1 正式/預式研究樣本抽樣分配表-------------------------------54
表 3-3-2 預試問卷寄發與回收情形摘要表------------------------------55
表 3-3-3 正式問卷寄發與回收情形摘要表------------------------------55
表 3-4-1 幼托園所長教學內涵表:形成與傳遞園所教學願景目標-----------57
表 3-4-2 幼托園所長教學內涵表:確保課程與教學品質------------------57
表 3-4-3 幼托園所長教學內涵表:營造良好學習氣氛---------------------58
表 3-4-4 幼托園所長教學內涵表:創造支持性的工作環境-----------------59
表 3-4-5 幼托園所長教學內涵表:促進教師專業成長---------------------59
表 3-4-6 幼托園所長教學內涵表:授權教師-----------------------------60
表3-4-7 題目與總分相關係數摘要表----------------------------------61
表3-4-8 幼托園所長教學領導量表之項目分析摘要表-----------------62
表 3-4-9 預試問卷各構面刪題前後之解釋變異量及其保留題項------------64
表 3-4-10因素分析摘要表-------------------------------------------65
表 3-4-11幼托園所長教學領導調查問卷信度分析摘要-------------------66
表 4-1-1 幼托園所長對「幼托園所長教學領導」知覺在各向度及總量表填答之
表 4-1-2 兼任行政職教師對「幼托園所長教學領導」知覺情形各向度填答之
表 4-1-3 一般教師對「幼托園所長教學領導」知覺情形各向度填答之平均數與
表 4-1-4 整體幼托園所教師對「幼托園所長教學領導」知覺情形各向度填答
表 4-1-5 幼托園所長與教師對「幼托園所長教學領導」知覺情形各題填答之
表4-1-6 幼托園所長與整體教師對「幼托園所長教學領導」知覺之t考驗-----74
表4-3-4 不同職位教師在幼托園所長教學領導知覺之t考驗---------------91
表4-4-2 幼托園所教師背景變項在「幼托園所長教學領導」知覺差異檢定結果

圖 目 次
圖 2-1-1 Bossert, Dwyer, Rowan與Lee等人之教學管理檢視架構圖-------14
圖 2-1-2 Snyder之教學領導模式--------------------------------------15
圖 2-1-3 Hallinger & Murphy之教學領導架構圖-------------------------17
圖 2-1-4 Duke之教學領導願景圖--------------------------------------18
圖 2-1-5 Murphy之教學領導架構圖------------------------------------19
圖 3-1-1 研究架構圖------------------------------------------------51
圖 3-1-2 本研究之教學領導內涵架構圖--------------------------------53
圖 3-5-1研究實施流程圖--------------------------------------------67
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dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0093157010en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 幼托園所zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 幼托園所長zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 幼托園所教師zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 教學領導zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 教學領導知覺zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) kindergarten and preschoolen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) preschool directorsen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) preschool teachersen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) instructional leadershipen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) awareness of instructional leadershipen_US
dc.title (題名) 我國幼托園所長教學領導知覺之相關性研究zh_TW
dc.title (題名) A study on the awareness of instructional leadership by Taiwan`s preschool directors.en_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
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