
Showing 26-50 of 87
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus WOS Altmetric
2017-10 為什麼這些聰明人,碰到英文就變了? article pdf(679)
2017-09 Overt coordination in additive numerals of minority languages in South China article 說明頁(926)
2017-09 Mathematical values in the processing of Chinese numeral classifiers and measure words article pdf(511)
2017-09 A critical review of the policies of academic dismissal from university article 說明頁(678)
2017-08 從台灣人的眼睛看被消音的「蔣介石」 article pdf(272)
2017-07 其實,台灣大學生的英文並不菜 article pdf(315)
2017-06 台灣人為什麼相信「台灣人菜英文」? article pdf(432)
2017-06 英語畢業門檻?大學別再自欺欺人 article pdf(625)
2017-04 千萬,不要以分數決定你的未來! article pdf(321)
2017-03 Deriving classifier word order typology, or Greenberg’s Universal 20A, and Universal 20 article pdf(547)
2017-01 Structure of numerals and classifiers in Chinese article 說明頁(412)
2017 Deriving classifier word order typology, or Greenberg’s Universal 20A, and Universal 20 article pdf(429)
2017 Structure of numerals and numeral classifiers in Chinese: Historical and typological perspectives and cross-linguistic implications article pdf(709)
2016-02 An application of Fisher`s exact test in linguistic research article pdf(432)
2016-02 大學學業退學制度的批判與反思(三)退學那把刀 article pdf(262)
2016-01 大學學業退學制度的批判與反思(二)破格錄取弱勢生的公平正義 article pdf(292)
2016 Structure of numerals and numeral classifiers in Chinese: Historical and typological perspectives and cross-linguistic implications article pdf(253)
2015-12 大學學業退學制度的批判與反思(一) article pdf(311)
2015 Justifying Silent Elements in Syntax: The Case of a Silent Numeral, a Silent Classifier, and Two Silent Nouns in Mandarin Chinese article 說明頁(933)
2015 分類詞與量詞的區分:以台灣華語為例 article pdf(3724)
2014-12 論現行大學英語畢業門檻的適法性:以政大法規為實例的論證 article 說明頁(1213)pdf(730)
2014-10 On silent elements: A case study of grand and its silent entourage. article pdf(902)
2014-10 Color isn’t silent, shallow isn’t deep: Two case studies of evaluating silent elements. article 說明頁(962)
2013-08 我國大學英語畢業門檻政策之檢討 article pdf(1401)