
Showing 51-75 of 87
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus WOS Altmetric
2012.11 Distinguishing classifiers and measure words: A mathematical perspective and implications article pdf(1394)
2012.09 Classifiers: The many ways to profile `one`, a case study of Taiwan Mandarin article pdf(1740)
2012-07 Lexical mapping in Yami verbs conference 說明頁(486)
2012.06 Structure of classifiers and measure words: A lexical functional Account. article pdf(1305)
2012-03 Classifiers: The many ways to profile ``one``, a case study of Taiwan Mandarin article 說明頁(863)
2010-05 國立大學教師義務性機構典藏之可行性探討:以政大為例 article pdf(1338)
2010.03 On the Semantic Distinction between Classifiers and Measure Words in Chinese article pdf(1624)
2010.01 論台灣華語的在地化 article pdf(1434)
2009-12 BIBLIOGRAPHY ON BA AND BEI article pdf(1546)
2009-11 國立大學教師的「機構典藏」與「自我典藏」:鼓勵抑或強制? article pdf(271)
2009 Apparent Subject-object inversion in Chinese article pdf(3700)
2009 國立大學教師的「機構典藏」與「自我典藏」:鼓勵抑或強制? article pdf(1898)
2009 Unifying the Long Passive and the Short Passive:On the Bei Construction in Taiwan Mandarin article pdf(5460)pdf(825)
2009 語言與族群認同:從台灣外省族群的母語與台灣華語談起 article pdf(1653)
2007-01 Corpus and the nature of grammar revisited article pdf(2651)
2007-01 Argument-function mismatches in Mandarin Chinese: A lexical mapping account article pdf(2662)
2007 Ten Characters in Search of a Group: A Sketch of Bloomsbury article pdf(1507)
2006-08 Justifying Part-of-speech Assignments for Mandarin Gei article pdf(4433)
2005-12 「全球化」與「在地化」:從新經濟的角度看台灣的拼音問題 article pdf(1294)
2004-12 Argument-Function Linking in Resultatives article pdf(5824)
1998-11 漢語主題在與法層面上的限制 article pdf(1340)
1998-11 漢語主題在語法層面上的限制 article pdf(592)
1996-05 Silence is Gold:on the Delayed Oral Practice article pdf(1991)
1996-05 Silence is Gold: On the Delayed Oral Practice article pdf(550)
1996 Variation of Mandarin VO constructions: a synchronic account article pdf(1747)