
Showing 26-50 of 97
Date Title Type Full Text
2014-05 Eye movements predict students` computer-based assessment performance of physics concepts in different presentation modalities article pdf(1495)
2014.01 Eye movement guidance in reading unspaced text in Thai and Chinese book/chapter 說明頁(1643)
2014 基於眼動分析之雲端高互動合作式數位閱讀平台的圖文整合模式與評估研究 report pdf(445)
2013.08 臺灣地區華人情緒與相關心理生理資料庫—臺灣情緒圖片系統 article pdf(1678)
2013 美感體驗歷程與大腦心智反應-消費者對品牌識別標誌之雙軌美感體驗歷程 report pdf(614)
2012.09 Parafoveal semantic information extraction in traditional Chinese reading article pdf(1371)
2012-09 心智科學大型研究設備建置及共同使用服務計畫--台灣心智科學腦造影中心 report pdf(1375)pdf(1427)pdf(763)
2012.08 The time course of contextual effects on visual word recognition article pdf(1072)
2012 類別學習中多重系統觀點之檢驗:行為實驗與心理計量取向 (II) report 說明頁(770)
2012 美感體驗歷程與大腦心智反應-消費者對品牌識別標誌之雙軌美感體驗歷程 report pdf(348)
2011.11 Effects of typographic variables on eye-movement measures in reading Chinese from a screen article pdf(1021)
2011 脈絡約束與詞彙特性對中文閱讀眼動控制的影響 (II) report pdf(538)
2011 神經科學跨領域研究人才培育規劃 (III) report pdf(3962)
2011 類別學習中多重系統觀點之檢驗:行為實驗與心理計量取向 (I) report 說明頁(801)
2011 整合及開發人工智慧與語言科技以輔助跨語言資訊檢索與語文教學活動 (II & III) report pdf(496)
2011 Sublexical ambiguity effect in reading Chinese disyllabic compounds article pdf(693)
2011 A cognition-based interactive game platform for learning Chinese characters article pdf(1654)
2011 Usage of statistical cues for word boundary in reading Chinese sentences article pdf(781)
2011 A cognition-based interactive game platform for learning Chinese characters conference pdf(796)
2010.03 心像旋轉中之心智表徵特性-探討圖形複雜度與整合性的影響 article pdf(2913)
2010.01 Cognitive and neural basis of the consistency and lexicality effects in reading Chinese article pdf(915)
2010 心智科學大型研究設備建置及共同使用服務計畫---台灣心智科學腦造影中心 report 說明頁(32)
2010 神經科學跨領域研究人才培育規劃 (II) report 說明頁(759)
2010 閱讀研究議題六---國小學童閱讀的眼動控制---脈絡與知覺因素對詞彙處理的影響 report pdf(744)
2010 脈絡約束與詞彙特性對中文閱讀眼動控制的影響 (I) report 說明頁(658)