
Showing 1-7 of 7
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus WOS Altmetric
2021-06 基於類別資訊的監督式t分布隨機鄰近嵌入法於維度縮減與視覺化之研究 article pdf(124)
2019-03 地標等軸距模糊切片逆回歸法及其於醫學影像切割的應用 article pdf(125)
2018-12 以維度縮減技術為基礎的互動式探索性資料分析平臺 article pdf(143)
2018-10 Covariate-adjusted heatmaps for visualizing biological data via correlation decomposition article pdf(124)
2014-11 Exploratory data analysis of interval-valued symbolic data with matrix visualization article pdf(152)
2013-09 Isometric sliced inverse regression for nonlinear manifolds learning article pdf(164)
2013-09 應用切片逆迴歸法於區間型符號資料之維度縮減 article pdf(103)
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