
Showing 1-18 of 18
Date Title Type Full Text
2022-12 Temporariness and uncertainties in life: A study of Taiwanese temporary academics’ negotiations of professional identity, work-life balance, and future imagination conference 說明頁(132)
2022-10 「通訊諮商的美麗與哀愁」:初探心理師在疫情下之通訊諮商執行經驗 conference pdf(67)
2022-07 初探教師諮詢在學校輔導中的實踐:從雙師觀點建構 conference pdf(109)
2021-10 「成為自我」:初探男跨女跨性別者向家人現身之相關互動經驗 conference
2021-10 探究、深化、茁壯-臺灣中小學專任輔導教師專業知能建構之初探研究 conference 說明頁(130)
2019-08 School bullying management : the constructs of teacher’s competence in timely handling school bullying conference 說明頁(147)
2018-12 Strengthening teacher training in higher education: what about school bullying management? conference 說明頁(146)
2018-09 Deepen the understanding for school bully-victims : the reasons for bully-victims` role formations, role transitions, and role terminations conference 說明頁(119)
2018-07 A study on exploring the attitudes and considering factors of Taiwanese students for studying in New southbound policy countries conference pdf(44)
2018-03 Who are school bully-victims and how can I help them: practical perspectives from school teachers conference 說明頁(120)
2017-12 How to comprehensively understand school bully-victims and timely provide assistance conference
2017-05 初任學校輔導人員職前基礎培訓方案之參與經驗與需求評估:國中小專輔教師觀點之初探研究 conference 說明頁(97)
2016-11 A pilot study on bully-victims’ developing process of bullying and victimized experiences conference 說明頁(168)
2016-07 Effects of providing training, written definition, and checklist of bullying characteristics on teachers` bullying identification conference 說明頁(103)
2016-07 Facing student counseling legalization progress : high school and elementary school newly appointed counseling administrators and school counselors pre-service training planning study conference 說明頁(142)
2016-04 角色職責定位概況與困境之探究:國中專任輔導教師實務現場之觀點 conference 說明頁(101)
2015-11 未來,何去何從?從國中校園實務現場反思臺灣中輟輔導之困境與挑戰 conference 說明頁(105)
2014-11 得來不易的幸福:一位過動症兒童之照顧者心路歷程探究 conference
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