
Showing 1-12 of 12
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus WOS Altmetric
2018-09 A Passage from Adam’s Dream to the Cessation of Desire: A Buddhist Reading of John Keats’s ‘Ode to a Nightingale’ article 說明頁(468)
2013.06 渥坦貝克《解剖新義》中的激情游牧者 article 說明頁(694)
2012.1 T.S. Eliot``s Virtual Europe: The Flaneur and the Textual Flanerie article 說明頁(1493)
2012.06 Towards a Minor Theatre: The Task of the Playmaker in Our Country’s Good article pdf(1067)
2012-06 邁向少數劇場:《吾國吾民》中造戲者之任務 article pdf(339)
2011.04 Revisiting the Flaneur in T.S. Eliot`s Eeldrop and Appleplex—I article pdf(1142)
2011-04 Revisiting the Flâneur in T. S. Eliot`s `Eeldrop and Appleplex - I` article pdf(436)
2009.09 Rhapsody on a City of Dreadful Night: The Flaneur and Urban Spectacle article pdf(1043)
2005-07 都市漫遊者艾略特:倫敦現代生活的畫師 article pdf(1084)
1999-11 艾略特「三智士朝聖行」中的末世論觀:語言、文本與後現代主義寫作模式 article
1998-09 艾略特的「聖賽巴斯丁之戀歌」中的狂歡戲擬:詩與繪畫之後設對話 article
1997 The Socrates Figuret & Socratic Laughter in The Cocktail Party: A Bakhtinian Reading article
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